
Benny’s Dream (rhyming)


Benny was a tiger

Who lived near a stream

And then one random day

He had a funny dream


The birds began to swim

And the snakes began to run

So Benny was confused

But he was kinda having fun


He went and climbed a tree

And made friends with the fish

They served him good food

On a pretty glass dish


But Benny was getting tired

He wanted to go home

So the fish said goodbye

And gifted him a gnome


Benny climbed back up

Into his cozy tree

He fell fast asleep

While listening to the bees


He woke up the next day

With the sun shining bright

He rolled over and thought

Something was not right


The fish had returned

Back home to the water

The birds in their nests

Were definitely not otters


Everything was back

To the way it was before

But Benny the tiger

Thought that normal was a bore


Sunset (haiku)


The sun goes down slow

An orange colored paint brush

Streaked across the sky


Heading Out (tanka)


The mountain stands tall

White snow draped across the top

A lone hiker stands

At the base ready to go

Into the unknown forest


Wednesday (free verse)


I kissed a girl yesterday

Under a tree about a mile from my house

I grabbed her hand

And suddenly

Everything was on fire

I ran away

Just so I could hide the smile

That was taking over

My entire body

I danced home in the rain

Hoping it would bring me down

From my altered state of reality

But it didn’t