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September 2024



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Español 2 – martes, 10 de marzo

Tarea: estudia para tu entrevista final

Homework: study for your final interview.

français 1 – mardi, le 10 mars

Homework: Study for your final oral exams if you have not yet taken them.

Español 2 – lunes, 9 de marzo

Tarea: estudia para tu entrevista final

Homework: study for your final interview.

français 1 – lundi, le 9 mars

Homework: Study for your final oral exams if you have not yet taken them.

Español 2 – viernes, 6 de marzo

Tarea: estudia – entrevistas finales – martes, 10 de marzo y miércoles, 11 de marzo.

Homework: study – final interviews – Tuesday, March 10 and Wednesday, March 11.

français 1 – vendredi, le 6 mars

Homework: study – Unit 6 Test and remaining oral exams – Monday.

Español 2 – jueves, 5 de marzo

Tarea: estudia tus notas para los exámenes finales. 

Examen escrito – mañana. Entrevistas finales – martes, el 10 de marzo y miércoles, 11 de marzo. Mañana es el último día para entregar trabajos.

Homework: study your notes for final exams.

Written test – tomorrow. Final interviews – Tuesday, March 10 and Wednesday, March 11. Tomorrow is the last day to turn in work.

français 1 – jeudi, le 5 mars

Homework: complete pages 173-175 of workbook and the sheet titled “les verbes” if you did not in class.

Tomorrow, Friday, March 6 is the deadline for any make-up work / retakes for this term.

Unit 6 Test, Part I – tomorrow.

Unit 6 Test Part II – Monday, March 9

Español 2 – miércoles, 4 de marzo

Tarea: completa el dibujo de tu escuela ideal.

La fecha tope para entregar trabajos es este viernes, 6 de marzo.

Homework: complete the drawing of your ideal school.

Deadline for turning in work is this Friday, March 6.

français 1 – mercredi, le 4 mars

Homework: complete pages 168 & 172 of workbook.

This Friday, March 6 is the deadline for any make-up work / retakes for this term.

Unit 6 Test, Part I – this Friday, March 6

Unit 6 Test Part II – Monday, March 9