“Waiting For The Train” 


Hope is like a train

Its wheels ever moving

Its length ever expanding

Its destination always changing

This train, makes frequent stops

The stops can linger 

They can drag

They can weaken

This train, it waits for numbness,

It waits for pain.

Before it decides to begin again



“The Morning Breeze”


The morning breeze 

Lifting leaves on the street

Blows past my face with ease

Swirling in circles, surrounding my feet 


The birds in the distance call to their mother

Quickly she approaches, supper within her 

Upon the nest, they crush together 

Waiting with eager, huddled forever



“Ocean Life”


The life of the ocean is vast 

Small I sit as the waves crash 

Around me

Beside me 

They smash 


The deep waters, beyond my vision 

Silent they move,

They have nothing to prove 


Deep in the water, there is life

Small animals and plants, all swimming with groove 

Upon the surface, I see the storm

Wonder when the sun will adjourn 



“Young Mind”


I write to feel 

I write to fight 

I wait to know what is real

I wait to know what is right 


This is my life, a question in motion

A young mind 

In struggle amidst the commotion 

Searching for all, all she can find