Monthly Archives: January 2018

Economics: Macro Day 23

Economics: Macro Day 22, Tues/Weds January 30th/31st Read Economic Mobility from Stanford Economists Inequality for All Viewing Homework: Internal Assessments due Thursday Share

Theory of Knowledge: Paper Day 4

ToK, Paper Day 4, Monday, January 29th Worktime on Outline Homework: Outlines due Feb 1st, Turnitin class code: 17327572, Password: Hulings Rough Draft due Feb 14th, Final due Feb 23rd   Share

Economics: Macro Day 22

Economics: Macro Day 22, Mon/Tues January 29th/30th Read and discuss absolute poverty in the U.S.A. Finish Lecture on Distribution of Income Distribution of INcome Start Inequality for All Homework: Internal Assessments due Thursday Share

Theory of Knowledge: Paper Day 3

ToK, Paper Day 3, Friday, January 25th Review papers Discuss chosen questions in groups Time to work on outlines Homework: Outlines due Feb 1st, Turnitin class code: 17327572, Password: Hulings Share

Theory of Knowledge: Paper Day 2

ToK, Paper Day 2, Wednesday, January 24th Break out each KQ for the paper Homework: Finish reviewing the questions. Share

Economics: Tri 2 Extra Credit

Extra Credit Options Note:These assignments will not take the place of a missing assignment. Option #1: Horatio Alger (8 extra points) Read an approved Horatio Alger novel. Write a 2 page book report and discuss plot with me. Option #2: Alphabet Soup (5 extra points) Research Alphabet Soup Agencies: Write a 1-2 page summary of […]

Economics: Internal Assessment Day 3

Economics: Macro Internal Assessment Day 3, Weds/Thurs January 24th/25th IA worktime: Homework: Internal Assessments due Feb 1st Upload it to turnitin! commentary-coversheet-2 is needed Internal Assessment Article MLA Citation Page   Share

Theory of Knowledge: Ethics Day 4/Paper Day 1

ToK, Ethics Day 4/Paper Day 1, Tuesday, January 23rd Rhino Hunter work time Paper Prompts Review Homework: Rhino Hunter Posters due Februaru 1st Share

Economics: Internal Assessment Day 2

Economics: Macro Internal Assessment Day 2, Mon/Tues January 23rd/24th IA worktime Homework: Internal Assessments due Feb 1st, Macro Exam on Feb 8th Share

Economics: Internal Assessment Day 1

Economics: Macro Day 2, Friday/Monday January 19th/22nd Internal Assessment Work Day Homework: Internal Assessments due Feb 1st, Macro Exam on Feb 8th Share