Mrs. Kreider

Welcome to 3rd Grade!!

Archive for February, 2015

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

Welcome back!  It’s Tuesday.  Please make sure to get your iPads before the bell rings.  You should have already turned in your library books, so I shouldn’t have to ask about that!  We do have library and music today, so get ready for a full day!

As per our conversation regarding geography yesterday, I think we need to spend a little time on our plant and where we live in relation to things, people, animals and places near us.  You will be taking a per-assessment today and we will begin a map skills and geography unit this week and for awhile.  You will love it!  I do.

Let’s have a more in control day today with few talk outs and complete on task behavior, right?!!!

Your bestest teachers, Mrs. Kreider and Ms. Melton

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Monday, February 9th, 2015

Hey Guys!

Come on in and grab your iPads.  We will need to redownload the Kno app for Journeys if it’s not there.  Also, please turn in your Friday Folders to me.

We will have visitors this morning watching how we teach our reading curriculum with iPads, so please be professional and show how much of a rockstar you are!!


Mrs. Kreider and Ms. Melton

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It’s Friday, February 6th!!

Thanks for coming in so quietly! Don’t forget to turn in your homework packets this week. We will have some Friday Fun at the end of the day as well as a special treat from Emmy!!

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Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Hey Everyone!  I’m so glad to be back to you.  It was a really long night last night.  My last flight didn’t come in into Eugene until 11pm.  So be kind if I seem a little sleepy.

Here’s some things to remember for today.  We have PE and you only have one more day until you need to turn in your homework packets.  So, I hope you have been keeping a track of your reading minutes and working on your math pages.  I’m glad to be with you for a week until I am off again.  Let’s have a great day!

Mrs. Kreider

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It’s Wednesday, February 4th, 2015!

Good Morning Room 13!  I hope you enjoyed your first day of music yesterday!  We had another great day at our science standards training.  We did a science experiment that I’m bringing home to you for Friday!  Should be fun!!!  I think I have learned so much my brain hurts.   San Jose is very different than Eugene.  I found some really interesting seed pods and can hopefully get them back on the airplane.  What kind of plant do you think they came from??


Well, it’s Wednesday!  Early release.  Don’t forget to give your popcorn money to Mrs. Koenig.  I would love to see pictures of kids who dressed up for today’s Movie/Book Character Day!!

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It’s Tuesday!

Good Morning Room 13!

I hope you guys had as much fun as I did today!  Us teachers spent the whole day looking at science standards…for 8 straight hours!!  We did get a break for lunch and had spaghetti and salad.  Then a little snack break with raisin cookies.  For dinner, we headed down to San Jose Japantown and we had sushi.  I didn’t have the heart to eat the sushi rolls with salmon eggs.  It made me think of our poor little salmon eggs we worked so hard to raise.


So, some reminders about today!  Today you have library and then go straight to music.  Make sure you turn your books into Mrs. Koenig.  Mr. Adee will talk with you about expectations for music in our classroom before you head down there for the first time.  I hope you have a great day!  Mrs. Kreider

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Happy Monday Morning!!

Hey Guys!  Sorry I’m not there with you today, but I am in sunny San Jose.  We are getting ready for a two day training all about science and new science standards.  I will update you on all the exciting things we are doing.  But, here are some reminders for you!!

Don’t forget to turn in your Friday Folders to Mrs. Koenig.  Your homework is on your desk as well as books if you ordered from the January book order.  Please turn in your books today to the book cart so Mrs. Koenig can check them in for tomorrow’s library.  Don’t forget that we also start music tomorrow too!!  How exciting.  Please listen, be kind to one another and to your awesome teachers.  I only want to hear positive feedback!!


A beautiful sunset from the seat on my flight.

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