First grade appreciates and welcomes parent volunteers!  If you are interested in working in the classroom, please click here.

Awbrey Park is the amazing school that it is because of our many hard working parent volunteers!  If you have the time and inclination to get involved in your child’s classroom, you are most welcome! Here are some ways that you can help out:

Monday Folder Helper: This is a very helpful and necessary part of first grade!  I ask for one parent that can plan about 1 hour on  Fridays or Mondays to pack up the student Monday folders.

Reading Workstations: This job is working directly with students while they are at literacy workstations.  I ask parents to sign up for prearranged times for these slots so that we have a consistent routine.  Volunteers usually begin in early October and generally commit to a certain day/time each week.

Field Trips and Celebrations: I will request field trip chaperones/celebration helpers as needed. You should try to come to at least one of these fun events if you can!

Other Ideas? Do you have a special talent or interest that you would like to share with  Room 3 students? Let’s talk about a time for you to give a presentation or lead an activity!