The Untold Story: Isis Smith

9 10 2018

The Untold Story: By Isis Smith 

“Alright darlin’ you can go out n play but make sure you get home by the time these lights come on, and no going by that creepy well ya hear?” My granny was always so overprotective of me I didn’t know why, she always said “Lisa that well there is dangerous never go near it!” I had always knew she was full of pure baloney. That well was magical, it was so pretty, it had ashy grey stones patched around it, and had an old wooden bucket dangling in the middle of the well, I don’t think there’s water down there though I was curious about how papaw lived in there, I began to head down the trail I had always walked every day but what granny don’t know this trail led to the well, I go here every day to see my papaw, granny said he died when I was just a young kid but she’s full of it, papaw lived in the well, no escape from granny, I let out a small chuckle and proceed down the trail, I stop at the end of the trail because the grass ended and that’s where all the rocks were that led to the well, I looked down to my feet and saw my toes painted with ruby red polish, and thought if I went back to get shoes granny might start asking questions.
I shook the thought of getting shoes out my head and proceeded to walk on the rocks, I began to tiptoe because I saw shards of glass lying beside the rocks. Maybe other people are visiting papaw too, I approached the well after 10 minutes of walking, I saw Washern river just straight behind it, “golly what a gorgeous sight” I thought. The thick prickly bushes lying behind the well, the river glistening with the reflection of the sunset on it, I soon got down on my knees, the grass it’s all wilted, I began to rub my hand back and forth across the meadow, as grass slipped between my fingers I smiled. Soon night began to fall, and it started to get chilly, goosebumps began to form on my arms, I jumped down from the ledge of the well and a small stone had fallen off too, “Goodbye papaw I’ll see you tomorrow!” I turned back and waved at the well and began to walk home, as I made my way down the trail the streetlights had flickered on, I was shocked it seemed as if they turned on early and I still had 10 more minutes of walking to do. Soon I began to speed up my pace, usually it takes me ten minutes because I usually just stroll down the path maybe it’ll be faster if I speed up. My feet moved into a different stance and I began jogging down the stone filled trail, until I reached the grass I jolted down and turned I saw my house just down the hill, I sped up and before I knew it, I tripped on my own foot, and began tumbling, I moved my right knee close to my chest because it began to hurt, I began to roll up my jeans, they had a dark green grass stain on the knees, and a little hole. I dusted the residue grass off of my knee, it had blood dripping down my leg, grass, and dirt was mixed in it as well. It was bleeding more then it hurt. I lost my train of thought when my eyes caught the streetlight once again, I rolled my pants down slowly got up and I began to limp home.
As soon as I approached the gigantic barn door, I was hesitant to open it but as soon as I placed my hand on the knob, the door swung open and granny stood there tapping her foot, I bet she was wondering what the hell had happened to me, and why I was so late, because she looked at my knee that up at me, then at my knee again, and she began to furrow her eyebrows. “I can explain!” my voice became all perky. “I’m waiting.” She just there looking at me, it was intimidating. Right when I was about to speak, she cut me off “Now I know I told you no to go by that well, and what did you do? Go by the well, how I know? I can see the dust from the rocks on your leg.” She had soon crossed her arms, you need to listen to me when I say to not do things. My attention was lost from her speaking when I saw a shadow pass behind her. “Granny someone’s in the house!’ I pointed to where I saw the shadow, she turned to look, then whipped her head back around with full eye contact with me, “It was nothing” she said with worry in her voice. I then walked straight past her and turned the corner, I couldn’t believe my eyes of what I saw…Papaw!?
My eyes widened, papaw acted as if he couldn’t see me, I whipped my head around and glared at my granny. “And you were so afraid of me going by the well why!?” Before I even let her respond I cut her off “know what, don’t answer that.” I snarled. Granny was silent, but as soon as I knew it, when I turned around t direct my attention to papaw he was gone. I walked I walked to the door where granny was standing, I then directed my attention to the outside it was dark. I looked at granny without hesitation I walked outside slowly, I then heard granny’s voice in the distance as I continued walking “where are you going?” I ignored her and continued walking. Instantly I was full of regret. Papaw was like a father to me and granny was like a mother to me why they would do this to me. I soon began to speed up as anger filled up inside of me, I continued to run until I knew granny’s house wasn’t in sight. Why was she hiding him from me? Why did she want me to stay away from the well so bad? Everything was so confusing.