Untitled Poem


Give me credit on “artwork” and creativity

Grade me on my unchallenged point of view

If I put random sentences on the page,

Do I get an automatic pass?

Give me a rule

Give me a guideline

Judge my boundaryless writing

I put an apostrophe and indented

That’s normally against the rules but

I can break any sentence off

At any point

Because this is free verse


What makes free verse free verse?

“No rules but write poetry”

What makes it poetry if it has no rules?

All I do is unconventionally write

I’ve learned to not hate poetry over the last few months

But that doesn’t mean I like it but I accept it

Poetry isn’t always supposed to make sense

You don’t have to “get it”

It can just be

It can just exist for no reason even

It can be all about interpretation

There doesn’t have to be anything special about it

But sometimes there is

One person could say

“This poem is about his interpretation on what poetry is to him”

They would be correct

But that may not have been my goal for people to see that

My goal for this poem is of course to pass a class

But all poetry whether you like it or not can find meaning with someone else

There’s no should

No shouldn’t

No couldn’t

Infinite could

I’ve learned poetry

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