Category Archives: Uncategorized

Graphing our Heights 5.14

Here is a sample graph and marked text from the assignment in 5.14. Thanks Teia

Variation Everywhere May 13th

Here are some sample pages from student work on variations from 5.13 Thanks Angelina                        

Quiz Review sheet May 11

Sickle Cell Pedigree Instructions 5.8.20

Co-dominance Cows 5.7 (work samples)

Incomplete Dominance with Snap Dragons 5.6.20


Wisconsin Fast Plants Nearpod Images 5.5.20

Punnet Squares and Pedigrees for Albinism 5.4.20

Please use any and all of these to check your work once you have tried on your own. Full credit will not be given for copying another student’s answers. Be sure to check out how I labeled the parent cells before meiosis and the gametes (sperm and egg) after meiosis. There will be more slides […]

Answer Sheet for Part 2 Trait Tracker Sheet

Answer Sheet for Trait Tracker Part 1 due 4.29

Bonus Question: Females have 2 X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y. After Meiosis which is when gametes are made with one copy of each chromosome eggs all contain an X chromosome and sperm contain an X or a Y chromosome, so it is impossible to have two Y chromosomes unless something […]