Monthly Archives: October 2014

Test on lesson 2-8

There will be a two part test on lesson 2-8 in POM on October 29th and 30th. On the 29th there will be a multiple choice test and on October 30th there will be a hands on test. Here is a copy of the Review sheet that you should be able to open in pages […]

Quiz on Lessons 5-7 Wednesday 10.22

We will be completing a short quiz on Edmodo on Wednesday October 22nd Study labs 5-7 and their results as well as your reading homework summaries and information to prepare. Topics include: Lesson 5: What happens to mass, volume and density when you heat and cool matter? How does matter of different phases expand and […]

What are C-notes?

For many of the readings in our Properties of Matter books, students are asked to complete C-notes. C-notes stands for Cornell Notes. (The originator of C-notes was a professor at Cornell University). C-notes are a process not a product. They are intended to deepen learning and understanding through repeated interaction with the subject matter. Teachers […]