Touch Typing for Grades 1 and 2
Typically, we begin touch typing with first grade students right after Spring Break. Here’s our plans for this year.
For first grade, that means learning to touch type the home row keys with their eyes shut. We will do the typing in Kid Pix.
Their goals are:
1. To understand that they are typing by touch and not eyesight.
2. To understand that each key is only touched by the correct finger.
3. To touch-type the home row while someone calls out the letters and spaces.
For second grade, we will review the home row in Pages, then switch to All the Right Type.
Their goals are:
1. To complete lessons 1-6 in ATRT (Learning Lab, Practice Pavilion, and Skill Building) and pass tests 1a-2f in the Testing Center.
2. To touch type at 5 words per minute with 95% accuracy.
Once the students are moving all well, we will switch to a combination of typing for the first ten minutes of class, then use the rest of the time on other projects.