Environmental Leadership


M 3/2– What is a Best Management Practice (BMP)? Which might you recommend for restoring your GMA? What are the benefits of EACH BMP you choose? How much would it cost to implement? Why did you choose it?

T 3/3– Jabrila here for Greenhouse Work

W 3/4– Recycle; Presentation work time; show some examples of past presentations.   Finish research and recommendations.  

Th 3/5 – Presentation Work Time- Finish slides; make notecards and write script.  Rehearse.

F 3/6 – Presentation Work Time:  Make notecards, write script and rehearse.  Rough Drafts due in class on Monday!


Environmental Leadership Schedule Trimester 1

Environmental Leadership Schedule Trimester 2

Environmental Leadership Schedule Trimester 3



Best Management Practices for Agriculture and Water Quality

Groundwater Overview USGS

Use the above link to learn about groundwater (GW).  Each heading has multiple links below it on the website.  Each team will be assigned ONE of the headings.  Each member of your team will read one link in the heading (based on team decision) and prepare a short Google Slideshow that you will present to the class next week.

1. Groundwater Basics (1-9)

2. Humans and Groundwater (10-14)

3. Groundwater Quality (15-18)

4. Groundwater and the Water Cycle (19-21)

Interactive Water Cycle

Who Protects Oregon’s Groundwater?

Groundwater Management Areas (GWMA)



Ch 1-Overview

Ch-2-Thoughtful Consumption

Ch-3-Recycling Processes Guided Q’s

Ch-4-Managing Organic Waste at Home

Ch-5-Recycling at work and play

Ch-6-Household Hazardous Waste

Ch-7-Sustainable Materials Management

Ch 8- Taking Action




How to Recycle at Churchill Presentation


How to Enroll in R101 Directions