The Jordan Wells Writing Blog

I needed a picture for a full grade

by on Nov.29, 2018, under Other

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by on Nov.28, 2018, under Other, Ways to improve the world

Australia started as a penal colony right? We need a new penal colony. One that won’t do all of that pesky developing. 

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Haiku (1)

by on Oct.26, 2018, under Haiku/Tanka, Poetry Writing

I watch their lips move

Their silence is deafening

They think I don’t know

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by on Oct.25, 2018, under Poetry Writing, Rhyming Poetry

There once was a man called Bert

Whose behind consistently hurt

Not due to a hernia

Or his home in Hibernia

No the answer is so much more

See, Bert was not so inferior

In fact, he was much cheerier

For what can you do

When there’s a man who

Has his hand right up your posterior

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by on Oct.25, 2018, under Free Verse Poetry, Poetry Writing

I walk onto the pier to hear a baby crying somewhere far away.

An old woman sits in her chair

She points to the lake, the moon is resting on its surface, perfectly mirrored

I’m at the edge of the pier, gazing across the crystalline waters


S i n k i n g into another place

A formless place, pure light, yet substantial

I can walk, but there is no ground

A well-dressed woman, her white gown stained by the life she created

The moon is behind her, its crimson hues leaking freely throughout this place

I awake on the pier, the moon bleeding through the water

Somewhere nearby, a baby cries.

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Just fyi

by on Oct.22, 2018, under Other

I am not purposely making the spaces between lines really large. That’s just the wordpress default and I haven’t found where to change it yet.

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Tanka (1)

by on Oct.22, 2018, under Haiku/Tanka, Poetry Writing

Silicon Castles

All that virtual power

If nothing is real

What do we do afterwards

After the servers go down?

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by on Oct.18, 2018, under Other, Ways to improve the world

Stop fucking with free speech. It’s a human right. In the UK, people are getting arrested for offensive tweets because they could hurt somebody’s feelings. Fuck your feelings. If you don’t like what I’m saying, call me an asshole and then ignore me. Or engage in a conversation where we share our perspectives and possibly grow as people. Don’t try to silence people just because they disagree with you.

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A Solution to the abortion debate WTITW (2)

by on Oct.05, 2018, under Other, Ways to improve the world

The idea here is that we invent a sort of artificial womb. It’s like some sort of big metal pod. You extract the fertilized egg from the real womb, then place it in the artificial womb. Then the pod goes to you. You can keep it if you don’t want to go through the pain of childbirth, or give it away to someone else, or put it up for adoption. It’s painless, and no babies die. The pod itself would be covered in indicators and meters measuring the vitals of the baby and if you’re a hippy you can read to it or whatever. Boom, problem solved.

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Ways to improve the world (1)

by on Oct.04, 2018, under Other, Ways to improve the world

Make Times New Roman the default font on every website.

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