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Tech Lit TA – Week 1

April 1st, 2016 by

This week was the first week of tech lit. I am assigned to three different students and I help them with any questions or concerns they have. The students set up their ePortfolios and Easybib accounts. I love being a TA because I feel helpful and I’m learning a new teaching skill.

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PE – Week 13

March 16th, 2016 by

Monday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Tuesday – training with personal trainer, vigorous, 1 hour

Wednesday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Vocab Words:

muscle fitness – a type of health related fitness includes strength muscle endurance. We did push-ups and curl up and those are muscle fitness.

flexibility – the ability to move all body parts and joints freely. When we stretch we tested our flexibility.

protein – substance in food that provides energy and is necessary for building body tissues. There’s many protein/energy foods in my diet, like scrambled eggs!

SMART goals – an acronym that describes the qualities of good goals. I beat all my SMART goals by the end of the trimester.

active aerobics – continuous and vigorous activities that get the heart beating fast enough to build cardiovascular fitness. I played soccer a lot this trimester and that was an active aerobic.

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PE – Week 12

March 16th, 2016 by

Monday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Tuesday – training with personal trainer, 1 hour

Wednesday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Thursday – Went to gym, moderate, 1.5 hours

Friday – Went to gym, moderate, 1.5 hours

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PE – Week 11

March 16th, 2016 by

Monday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Tuesday – training with personal trainer, 1 hour

Wednesday – soccer practice, vigorous, 2 hours

Thursday – Went to gym, moderate, 1.5 hours

Friday – Went to gym, moderate, 1.5 hours

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PE – Week 10

March 14th, 2016 by

Monday – soccer practice, 2 hours, vigorous

Tuesday – training with trainer, 1 hour, vigorous

Wednesday – soccer practice, 2 hours, vigorous

Thursday – went to gym, 1.5 hours, moderate

Friday – went to gym, 1.5 hours, moderate

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PE – Week 9

February 29th, 2016 by

Monday – Soccer practice, vigorous (2 hours)

Tuesday – Training with trainer, vigorous (1 hour)

Wednesday – Soccer practice, vigorous (2 hours)

Thursday – went to gym, moderate,  (1.5 hours)

Friday – shooting training (1.5 hours)

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PE – Week 8

February 29th, 2016 by

Monday  – Soccer practice, vigorous (2 hours)

Tuesday – training with trainer, vigorous (1 hour)

Wednesday -Soccer practice, vigorous (2 hours)

Thursday – went to gym, moderate (1.5 hours)

Friday – soccer  shooting training, moderate (1.5 hours)

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PE – Week 7

February 4th, 2016 by

Monday – had soccer practice (2 hours)

Tuesday – training with my trainer (1 hour)

Wednesday – had soccer practice (2 hours)

Thursday – went to the gym and ran (1 hour)

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PE – Week 6

February 4th, 2016 by

Monday – I had soccer practice (2 hours)

Tuesday – I had a training with my trainer and we lifted (1 hour)

Wednesday – I had soccer practice (2 hours)

Thursday – I went to the gym and ran 3 miles (2 hours)

Friday – went to gym and lifted and ran (2 hours)

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Digital Media TA – Week 6

February 1st, 2016 by

This week there is a new student so I have been helping her a lot. I have been working on my comic makeover. This weekend I’m driving to Pullman WA for a soccer camp at WSU.

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