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Info Design – Week 7

December 3rd, 2015 by

finished up our final logo design and then started collaterals if we hadn’t already started. This week was fun because we got to be creative with our projects. After we finish our collaterals we will start designing our sketches of collaterals on Adobe Illustrator. This week has been pretty normal.

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Info Design – Week 6

December 3rd, 2015 by

This week in info design we worked on finishing our design sketches and scanning them. Once we finished that, we started our logo design using Adobe Illustrator. We are decorating the house for fall this weekend. :)

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Info Design – Week 5

December 3rd, 2015 by

This week in info design we kept working on our 5 questions if we need to, and then started our design sketches. For the design sketches, we had to create 4 designs for your logo. I’m very happy because its a 4 day weekend.

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Info Design – Week 4

October 11th, 2015 by

This week in information design we started figuring out our new companies and answering questions about them. We also created our logos. Its been really fun and I’m really excited to continue this project!

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Info Design – Week 3

October 1st, 2015 by

This week in information design we worked in adobe illustrator and we doodled and we made our own logos. I have a few games this weekend and my birthday is in 5 days!

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Info Design – Week 2

September 25th, 2015 by

This week in info design I finished my brand awereness and started on the paintree assignment and its pretty difficult. I have 2 soccer games this weekend and I’m excited :D

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Info Design – Week 1

September 18th, 2015 by

This week in Information Design I switched to this class and I just finished the brand awareness part2 and it was fun. I have one soccer game on Sunday and we only have two subs because five people on my team are injured and it sucks. I will be watching the ducks play on saturday and they will probably win because the are the ducks

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Broadcast Media – Week 10

June 5th, 2015 by

This week in broadcast media we are done with everything and I am really bored and I also have been helping out the TAs with work .

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Broadcast Media – Week 9

May 22nd, 2015 by

This week in broadcast media, we are completely finished with our PSA #2. We have also started on making another iMovie but this one is for fun and for extra credit. I had a great week and it’s my sisters birthday today

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Broadcast Media – Week 8

May 15th, 2015 by

This week in broadcast media I have not been doing much because we are done filming and Hadley and Annabel are working on editing the PSA. I competed in the district track meet yesterday and did very well. It was a decent week.

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