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Weekly Update 5/28-6/1/12

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

The countdown is on! We officially have 11 more days of school left this year. This week we finish Romeo and Juliet and move on to our final unit–The Odyssey. You are almost done. Keep your head in the game for a strong finish.


TUESDAY: Complete Etymons Week #16. Finish Act V of Romeo and Juliet in class.

WEDNESDAY: Romeo and Juliet Notebooks are due. Be sure to include the purple grading sheet as the last page in your notebook. We will finish watching the traditional version of the film in class. [Advisory schedule]

THURSDAY: Etymons Quiz on weeks 15 & 16. Etymons packets are due today.

FRIDAY: Final test on Romeo and Juliet. View modern version of the play. [Assembly schedule]

LOOKING AHEAD: Begin Greek epic, The Odyssey. Review Etymons weeks 1-16. Etymons final test is scheduled for June 11th.