Archive for May, 2012

Weekly Update 5/28-6/1/12

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

The countdown is on! We officially have 11 more days of school left this year. This week we finish Romeo and Juliet and move on to our final unit–The Odyssey. You are almost done. Keep your head in the game for a strong finish.


TUESDAY: Complete Etymons Week #16. Finish Act V of Romeo and Juliet in class.

WEDNESDAY: Romeo and Juliet Notebooks are due. Be sure to include the purple grading sheet as the last page in your notebook. We will finish watching the traditional version of the film in class. [Advisory schedule]

THURSDAY: Etymons Quiz on weeks 15 & 16. Etymons packets are due today.

FRIDAY: Final test on Romeo and Juliet. View modern version of the play. [Assembly schedule]

LOOKING AHEAD: Begin Greek epic, The Odyssey. Review Etymons weeks 1-16. Etymons final test is scheduled for June 11th.

Weekly Update 5/21-5/25/12

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Now is the time to really work on your Romeo and Juliet Notebook. This is the biggest assignment of the term and should show your skill at writing as well as your understanding of literary concepts. The entire project is due next Wednesday, May 30th. Don’t wait until the last minute. Start building your notebook pages on your computer now.

If you have lost the handout for this project, or other materials related to the play, check the right hand column. Study questions, the literary device handout and the project sheet can be downloaded from there.

MONDAY: Begin working on week #15 in your etymons packet. The final quiz for etymons will be next week. Begin Act III in Romeo and Juliet in class

TUESDAY: Finish Act III.

WEDNESDAY: Quiz on Act III; begin Act IV.


FRIDAY: Quiz on Act IV. Watch movie version of Romeo & Juliet

Looking ahead: R & J notebooks are due May 30th. The etymons final will be on Monday June 11th.

Missing Something?

Friday, May 18th, 2012

If you’ve lost the handout for the Romeo & Juliet Notebook, the Literary Devices worksheet or the Romeo and Juliet study questions you can now down load them from the column on the right. Remember, the R & J Notebook is DUE on May 30th, 2012!

Weekly Update 5/7-5/11/12

Monday, May 7th, 2012

This week we really dive into Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Bring your book to class every day this week and review each scene the night before class. Volunteers for reading and acting in class will be awarded courage points for their effort. Don’t be shy!
Now is also a good time to search for literary devices. As you read the play, keep your yellow work sheet close by.

By the end of this week, You should have a good idea about the creative choice you want to focus on for the Romeo & Juliet Notebook. Start planning now so you aren’t overwhelmed at a later date.

MONDAY: Act 1 Romeo and Juliet. Turn in your Elizabethan Language worksheet. Begin week #13 in your etymons packet.

TUESDAY: Act 1, scenes 2-5.

WEDNESDAY: Quiz on Act 1 Romantic Love Survey. Begin Act 2.

THURSDAY: Continue Act 2.

FRIDAY: Early Release–Progress Reports. View Zeffirelli’s production of Romeo and Juliet.

LOOKING AHEAD: Two great opportunities for extra credit this week–Attend a performance of Sweeney Todd by the Sheldon Theater company. Bring me a ticket or a program with a cast member’s autograph and earn 5 points. OR write a Shakespearean sonnet for your mother for Mother’s Day and earn 10 points extra credit. Sonnets must be 14 lines, consisting of three quatrains [4-line stanzas ending with an alternate rhyme] finished off with a rhyming couplet.
Mother’s Day is this Sunday. You may show me your completed sonnet on Tuesday, May 15th when I return, but your mother will really appreciate it if you given it to her nicely written in a lovely card before then. 😉