June 5, 2018

Creative Writing- the Existential Question

Filed under: Uncategorized — cmcvay69 @ 6:23 pm

What is creative writing? It’s essentially just lying with style. This is something I happen to be very good at. I lie a lot. But according to Tom Cantwell, creative writing contains truth, possibly as much as anything else, and maybe more. It expresses the inner workings of the human soul. Or something like that. Is any of this true? Well, as we all know, nothing is true- reality is entirely subjective and there is no inherent order or meaning to this chaotic universe. As Henry Lininger, South Eugene student, respected Harvard scholar and unquestionable genius philosopher would say- “That’s just, like, opinions and stuff. I guess.” Will we ever truly know the answer? That is the essence of creative writing. A better question, rather, would be why we are in this creative writing class. The reason I’m here is because my mom made me do it. She said I needed to get back in touch with my creative side, so she signed me up for this class even though I’m an adult and I said no. Now, I write creatively. But I’m actually not very good at that, so I just write bad stories with one-dimensional characters, and the occasional amusing anecdote from my personal life. You’re welcome to read them, they probably have some entertainment value.         

June 4, 2018

What’s With the Name?

Filed under: Uncategorized — cmcvay69 @ 7:08 pm

Cmcvay69, man. That’s the type of username people use when they’re trying to sound cool but they’re actually lame. Unless you’re Connor McVay. This title was assigned to me as my 4j account username when I was a freshman. They just gave it to me. I never asked for this, but I can roll with it. It’s because I don’t have to try to be cool- it just happens. 10/10, man.