Week of May 23, 2016

May 23rd, 2016

Ubuntu- The South African Philosophy of the power of community. I am because we are.


Hello Shining Stars,

Here are some important items of the week:

•PBIS and End of the Year Anxiety:

Last week I shared some strategies that Brie Stiller often reminds us about to help finish the year strong.  What I neglected to mention is that some of the root causes of behavior escalation in classrooms are separation anxiety and  student predictions of  change. Yes, they have a lot of anxiety like we do from ending the year.  I encourage you to figure out some calm down strategies to use with your class. They could be yoga poses, breathing techniques, or simply stretches.  The more we practice helping students learn calming techniques, the better they can cope when they experience conflict on the playground or in the classroom. I included a poster below to remind you of some healthy yoga poses for helping to calm kids. Try them out yourself.  It might just work to lower your own anxiety!


•Licensed Staffing Updates: As many of you know Tracy Fleming announce her resignation from kindergarten last week.  Tracy is moving back to California to be with family. She has taken a new teaching position there as well. I asked for interest in taking on kindergarten and found one teacher who is ready to take it on.  Next Fall Nikita Brougher will be placed in kindergarten and become part of the team.  This leaves an opening in 4th grade. The district has hired a bilingual bilingual teacher for our school early. They were proactive to do this this year in order to foresee openings in buildings across the district in Spanish required positions.  They have placed Salvador “Chavo” Garcia in our building. He will teach in 4th grade next Fall. Chavo is a recent graduate from Pacific University teacher education program.  He also studied at the University of Oregon and the University of Seville. Please congratulate Nikita and Chavo on their new roles in our building.  Chavo recently returned from a trip abroad and plans to come in and volunteer in our building to make the transition into his new role. I will also be providing kindergarten with some extra time to work with Nikita before the year is out or over summer so Nikita can begin to plan for her transition in the fall.

•Classified Staffing Updates: We have three educational assistant openings available currently for the upcoming year.  As many of you know, Tracy Denman resigned in March. We have another six hour position for extra support next year.  In addition, Jessica Zapata Mendoza has also resigned as the BEST Coordinator and from her 4 hour EA position. She is moving to Portland with her family.   Molly LaJolie will hire the 4 hour BEST coordinator position. We will hire the 4 hour EA job Jessica has held. I will post the 4 hour job this Wednesday.  Currently, the two 6 hour positions are up on NeoGOV. Those jobs close after Memorial Day, 5/31. Please encourage your bilingual educator type acquaintances to apply.

•Last Day of ELD and Title Services: Our last day of ELD services will be June 8. Nancy is required to place students differently than previous years. She needs the extra time to conduct the SOLOM assessment of her students. The ELPA 21 assessment is not normed yet. She administered this test in early Spring but data is not available until Fall. She will be conducting these assessments on the 8th and the week after that to make decisions about moving children up in ELPA Levels. Nancy will also be preparing her ELL progress reports on grading day.  Once she is done with these tasks, Nancy is available to support you in the classroom with ELL needs or other teaching supports in the classroom. Aline will be finishing title reading service on June 9th.  She will be completing Title 1 paperwork and progress reports the following week and supporting us in planning for  the 2016-2017 school year.

• Risk Management Safety Reminders – It’s the time of year for outdoors, trips, and celebrations. In an effort to keep staff and students safe, Risk Management asked that staff review a few important reminders linked here in this email. Also linked here is information on playground safety, spring sports best practices, tips on proper lifting with how to stay in the green zone, and also tips on stretching routines.

• 4J Science Vision, Mission and Goals – Linked here is the district Science Vision, Mission and Goal created by the District Science Adoption Team, which has been through multiple stakeholders for feedback. This document has been presented to the School Board, and is the dynamic document that is guiding elementary and middle level science curriculum implementation, as well as guiding the high school science adoption process next year.

• District Admin Updates – Lizette Rodgers will be the new principal at Twin Oaks Elementary School when Kathy Owen retires at the end of this school year. Lizette has been assistant principal at Spencer Butte Middle School and was previously an assistant principal at Churchill High School. Over at Facilities, with Jon Lauch’s retirement, Harlan Coats had earlier been appointed interim director of facilities management and transportation. He is now been  officially appointed as the Facilities Director. Ryan Spain will be the new interim facilities and maintenance manager, filling Harlan’s previous role.

• Connecting With Students: Four Strategies – Building relationships with students sometimes takes a back seat to achieving passing test scores. That doesn’t have to be the case, according to this sixth-grade teacher. Find out the four strategies in this she uses to connect with her students and teach them effectively in this Teaching Tolerance post.

• TalentEd End-of-Cycle Goals Reflections Due Friday – Thank you to those of you who have finished this already, but the End-of-Cycle Goals Reflection is due this Friday (MAY 27). All licensed staff members must complete this task, regardless whether you are on the Year 1, Year 2, Temporary or Probationary evaluation cycles. For those of you who have completed this, I will try to stop by your rooms this week, if I haven’t already, to finish out the required evaluation cycle tasks. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the form or need help with the process.

•Free Summer Camp Opportunity-  Free camp opportunity that is for children ages 7-17 who have, or have ever had, a parent in prison.  The camp is through a Christian organization that provides all the necessary supplies free to each camper.  This includes a sleeping bag, t-shirts for the week, a sweatshirt, and hygiene supplies.  If you have a student(s) who qualify for the camp and would be interested, please let me know and I’ll put flyers in your box.  The registration is online, but a paper copy can be made available if necessary. The camp will have on-site mental health and medical support. If you would like to look it up for yourselves.  Here is the link.  https://agapeyouthoregon.com/  The Lane County camp dates are August 25-28.

•Volunteer Lunch and Field Day, June 16- Please take the time to think about all the special volunteers that have put time in your classroom, around the school and for special events. We will be recognizing our volunteers with a special breakfast the day of field day. Please bring potluck style breakfast foods on June 16 to the family resource center as a way to thank our amazing volunteers. Alicia did this with our volunteers last year and it was a huge success. If you would like to fill out a special certificate to some of your volunteers your names need to be added to the following google doc. The office will have special volunteer certificates you can pick up.

Below is the survey with hours to verify and add:  Survey Link

Schedule of Events for the Week

May 23 (M)

Artist in Residence Continues
2:00-5:00, Joel to Elementary Principals’ Meeting (Ed Center)
3:30-4:30, 5th Grade Teachers Meet w/Kelly Teachers

May 24 (T)

5th Grade Field Trip

8:30-9:30, Cafecito de padres- tema abierta.

Extended Lunch Schedule for the A to Z Veggies and Fruit Healthy Lunch

10:30- Kinder Lunch begins.
10:45-1st and 2nd Grade Lunch begins.
11:05-3rd,4th, and 5th Grade Lunch begins.
11:00-11:30, Planning Family Involvement Events for 16-17 ( Family Resource Center)
6:00-7:00, Kelly  K-12 Immersion Meeting
6:00-7:00, ODE Reimagine Education in Oregon Community Forums (SEHS)

May 25 (W)

5th Grade Field Trip

9:00-11:00, RRES – OAC Meeting (Old White House)

1:45-2:45, Teacher Collaboration Hour- Math PLC Time

2:00-4:00, Myka out at EForum (Ed Center)

2:30-3:30, Student Care Team Meeting (Staff Room- Howard)
3:00-5:00, 4J Retirement Event (Ed Center)
5:30-7:00, Old Howard Building Farewell Event (Cafeteria and Around the Building)

May 26 (H)
4:00-6:30, Joel to 4J Equity Committee

May 27 (F)

END OF CYCLE Goals Reflection Deadline

Library Closed

9:00-1:30, 4th Grade UO Field Trip

2:10-5:20 p.m.-BEST PROGRAM Field trip to The Department of Physics,UO with  “Mad Duck Scientist”
120 Willamette Hall, 1371 E 13th Avenue Eugene, OR 97403
Mad Duck” Science, is a group of scientists that creates and performs physics and chemistry demos that children can participate in.
May 30 (M)
Memorial Day – No School

May 31 (T)

Artist in Residence Continues (Room 17)

9:00-2:00, M. Brougher’s Dorris Ranch Field Trip (Dorris Ranch)

1:30-3:00, 4th Grade Garden Project- M. Brougher

8:00-11:30, Joel at ELL Coordinator Interviews (Mozart Room-Ed Center)
June 1 (W)

9:00-11:00, Joel at RRES – OAC Meeting (Old White House)

1:45-2:45,PBIS Meeting (Learning Center)

1:45-2:45, PLC Time  (Library)

June 2 (H)

8:00-2:30, Data Team- Final Meeting #6 (Room 17)

2:45-3:45, IPBS Meeting MOD SQUAD! (Room 7)

3:30-5:00,   Final 15-16 Immersion Principal Meeting (Parr Room)

June 3 (F)
Last Day of BEST

We’re on the home stretch!




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