Weekly update #8

Week 8

This week I started my training for announcements. I also started my group PSA and so far I’ve only finished my elevator speech.

Weekly update #7


Week 7

This week I posted my rough cut and I finished my final cut. I haven’t posted it yet though.

Weekly update #6


Week 6

This week I started my rough cut and I pretty much finished. I just need to post it now but I can’t because it would take 45 minutes. I’ll do it on Monday. Happy 3 day weekend!

Weekly update #5

Week 5

This week I finished my script and started my imovie. I’ve found a couple images and I’ve had to change a couple things in my script already. Two days ago it was my birthday! And I can’t wait till activity night.!

Weekly update #4

Week 4

This week we did a lot of research on our topics. before we did that we picked a topic and got it approved. We did an elevator speech and a script for our PSA. I also can’t wait till next week cause my birthday is on Wednesday!

Weekly update #3

Week 3

This week we watched everybody’s top PSA as a class. Some of them were really sad and most of them were just plain gross. There’s 6 more days till Christmas and I can’t wait! I hope you have a great break!

weekly update #2

Week 2

This week we finished our 10 PSA assignment and our top PSA assignment. I finished on wednesday and I had a lot of fun with this assignment. This weekend I’m doing nothing but shopping for christmas. I can’t wait!

Weekly update #1

Week 1

This week we started our 10 PSA assignment. I got half way done with it. This weekend I have 4 games and I hope I do good. Wish me luck!

Week #12 3D2B

This week I printed my final project and I’m finished with my group project too. I had a lot of fun in this class. I’ll see you next trimester!

Week #11 3D2B

This week I continued my complex object and I almost finished. I will finish next week though. I can’t wait till its done!