Weekly update #3

This week we had to finish our paint trees. We also started our part 3 where we had to make 4 logos that included our names in them. Tomorrow’s the CY we walk and I’m not looking forward to it at all.

Weekly update #2

This week we were working of our assignment #2 parts 1 and 2. So far I’ve finished part 2 and I’m pretty sure I can finish part 2 next week. I’m having a lot of fun so far and I hope it turns out great.

Weekly update #2

This week we were working on our scavenger hunt. I haven’t finished yet but I think I can finish next week.. I’m having a lot of fun with it so far and I think it’ll turn out great.

Weekly update #1

This week we started our first assignment. If you finished that you can start your second assignment which I’m on right now. This class is already pretty challenging and I’m looking forward to the rest of the trimester in this class.

Weekly update #1

This week we basically learned about all our basics. Yesterday we started our first assignment where we had to take pictures of each other and get to know each other in our group. So far this class is pretty fun and I’m looking forward to the rest of the trimester.

Weekly post #11

This week we just finished 2 scenes out of 3 so next week we have to finish. But this is just the rough cut so I don’t think we’ll finish. That’s what we did this week.

Weekly post #10

This week we had to change our main character because bryn didn’t want to do it anymore so we had to start all over. I’m not sure if we’re going to finish this assignment but we’re trying our best. That’s what we did this week.

Weekly Post #8

This week we finished our script and we posted it. We don’t have time to start our project this week but we’re going to start next week. That’s what we did this week.

Weekly Post #9

This week we continued our rough cut and we didn’t get though much because we had to change the script a lot. So we’re going very slowly right now. That’s what we did this week.

Weekly Post #8

This week we started our script and we posted it. We finished it and now we’re starting our project. That’s what we did this week.