horeses makeover

Description: Students are to demonstrate their knowledge of using Photoshop tools including masking tools, image resizing and filters. They must use the horses background image and then bring in a minimum of 4 images from the web to create a fantasy composite image that tells a story. Composition, masking, detail, perspective and other basic design technique will be included in the grading. Files must be saved as native .psd and also as a .jpg. Students will upload their final piece as a .jpg to their ePortfolios on their Tech Lit page or as a page/kid to Tech Lit page (their choice but stick with one method for all assignments) with the assignment order number, and with a detailed assignment description (can be copied and pasted from here) and reflection restating what they did, how they did it, and how they feel about their work.

Name game horses_1amjpg

Reflection: I made this photo with photoshop. It’s a picture of apple taking over the mountains. I used magnetic lasso, paint bucket and a lot of other tools. I had a lot of fun and I hope you like it.

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