Description: Students pick their top choice PSA from the 10 they researched for the first assignment. They are to use Youtube, Vimeo, or other WordPress embed tags when creating the assignment page. This will stream the video directly to the page for viewing. Students must give a brief description of the PSA, and a rationale for their choice.

Review: This video is 10 minutes long so you don’t have to show it to the class but this is my favorite PSA. I really liked it because it showed a bully who was bullying a girl. He found out his sister was being bullied too and he realized being bullied can change their life. He ended up helping the girl and apologizing.

10:24 Rating ~ 10/10

Review: This is another one of my favorite PSA’s. This is the one you can show the class. I really liked it because it shows whatever you put online, anyone can see it. Including people she didn’t even know. This is a good PSA because of all the social media accounts teenagers have. Our generation needs to be careful about what we post.

0:29 Rating ~ 9.5/10

Reflection: For this assignment we watched 10 PSA’s and picked our favorites. I picked two since one is to long but its my favorite. I just looked up PSA’s and picked the ones that seemed interesting to me. I also picked the suggested ones after I watched a PSA. I think I did good. I think I did good because I took a lot of time on this assignment and a lot more people need to know about these things. I did watch long PSA’s but other then that, I did good.

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