6 out of 11

Description: Students will use the knowledge they’ve gained from our introduction to Photoshop to create six of the eleven projects from a list of projects. Projects include: Disproportionate Photograph, Where am I?, Untruthful Photograph, Repetition, Photo Collage, Surrealism, Who’s in school?, Art Additions, Scale, Distorted Portrait and Transform an Image.

Famous Piece of art

Famous Piece of art

Where am ?

Where am I?

Distorted Portrait

Distorted Portrait





Who's in school

Who’s in school

Reflection: In this assignment we had to take 6 types of photos out of 11 and edit them to fit the description. Teja helped me complete this assignment by being her model in one of her pictures. THANK YOU TEJA. What I did was I did who’s in school, scale, distorted portrait, disproportionate photograph, where am I and untruthful photograph. I think I did well on this assignment because it’s all creative and unique in it’s own way.

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