Graphic Standards – Final

Description: The Graphic Standards represents a culmination of students’ organization identification, logo design, collateral pieces and other media with specifications centric to their organizations brand, and its treatment and application. Specifications and examples of past cohort standards will be reviewed in depth in class, with examples available on the AADInfodesign blog. The standards are presented at Finals. Components included in this assignment will include:

Organization background; brand ID/Logo justification; rules for treatment and application of the brand/logo, typography, colors, etc; specific guidelines for producing collateral and other media for the organization.


Reflection: In this assignment we had to take all of our creations and make a book out of it including measurements and descriptions. What I did was I took my logo design and my business card, letterhead, and envelope and I described them. I put a purple border on ever page to give it a more unique look. I think I did good on this assignment because I made sure all my measurements were correct and I tried to make everything precise.

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