Collateral Sketches – Templates (pencil or pen)
September 2015

Description: Students use the handout templates to sketch their collateral pieces of business card, letterhead, and envelopes. Focus is on logo placement, layout of elements including contact information and enhancement artwork. Look at past student examples in their graphic standards online and print copy booklets I have in class. Use the paper templates to sketch ideas, try a few differents approaches for each. These must be scanned and uploaded as PDFs on your ePortfolios.
Envelope Template/ 4th product
Reflection: In this assignment we had to design our company’s business card, envelope and letterhead. What I did was I took my logo and I put it into every one of them with a book design on the side of every one. I think I did good on this assignment because all of my products have what’s expected of them and they’re all unique.
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