Brand Awareness Activity Part 1

Description: Research logo design in the following areas – find examples of logos and pick one for each area; show the logo, the organization/company name, and when it founded and its location. Non-profit arts, K-20 Education/school logos, Consumer goods, Entertainment, and Technology.

Non Profit Arts: Ucom

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Where:Llvernois, Troy


K-20 Education: Oregon Ducks

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Where:Eugene, Oregon


Consumer Goods: Pistachios

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Entertainment: Xfinity

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Where:Tupelo, MS


Technology: Tmobile

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Where:Bellevue, Washington

Founded: 1994

Reflection: For this assignment we had to pick 5 logos (nonprofit arts, k-20 education, consumer goods, entertainment and technology) and describe where and when they were founded. I think I did really good on this assignment because I got to pick my own logos and research them.


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