
Description: Students learn the basic tools and use of Flash timeline, frames, key frames, and tweens to create a 120 frame (10 second) animation. The animation must have 4 layers (Head, Eye Sockets, Eyeballs, and Ball), and use tweens to create synchronized animation that has the eyeballls following the motion of the ball around the screen canvas.

Students who finish early, are challenged to add additional layers, objects, backgrounds and animation to their exercise. Images can also be brought in from the web using this process: JPG images found on the web should be in approximate size to the canvas, opened in Photoshop, manipulated if necessary, backgrounds masked, and then the remaining areas other than the image made transparent. The file must be saved as a PNG, then Imported to the Library in the Flash file, a new layer created for it, then dragged from the library, and finally sized and positioned on the canvas to work with the rest of the design. Files are saved as native Flash files and exported as .mov files when completed.

Reflection: In this assignment we had to use flash and make a video of eyes following a ball as it flew across the screen. What I did was I used flash to do just that then I added a photo for the background from the internet and a hat to make it look for personal. I think I did good on my assignment because I made it unique but I also did what they asked me to do. Three tools I used were the shape tool, classic tweens and the color tool.

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