Archive for the ‘ Yearbook/ Journalism ’ Category

Week #11 yearbook/journalism

12th June 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I finished my 4 page zine. I don’t really have anything to do now so I’m signing a lot of yearbooks. That’s what I did this week.

Week #8 Yearbook/Techlit

23rd May 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I started my indesign tutorial. Some steps are a little unclear but I know I have enough time to finish. That’s what I started this week.

Week #7 Yearbook/Journalism

16th May 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I started my 3 editorial contents. I finished all three. They were the history behind 5 famous logos, 10 things you can do when you turn 18, and 15 weird/confusing laws in the USA. That’s what I did this week.

Week #6 Yearbook/Journalism

8th May 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I started and finished my movie review on “spirited away”. I thought it was a great movie and I think the assignment was pretty easy.

Week #5 Yearbook/Journalism

2nd May 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I watched “spirited away”. It was a very weird movie but I kinda liked it. We’re going to start our reviews and today we’re watching behind the scenes for “spirited away”.

Weekly post #4 Yearbook/ Journalism

25th April 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I started my human interest story about Helen Keller and finished it on Thursday. It was very fun to research inspiring articles. That is what I did this week.

Week #3 Yearbook/journalism

18th April 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I didn’t really have anything to do but I did do my homework. I can’t wait tell my next assignment.

Week 2 Yearbook/ Journalism

11th April 2014 | 0 Comments

This week I finished my editorial and shots and angles. I used the song “all of me” for my shots and angles. I think it played out pretty well.