Birthdays Data Base

Description: Students collect 15 names, date of birth, and ages of their classmates. Data is inputted to MS Excel with the formatting shown in the example. Students use the Autofilter feature in Excel to sort their data chronologically from youngest to oldest. They then copy and paste the data table  to a MS Word file (shown in the example). They need to use standard reporting page set-up with a header, title and indented paragraphs with 1.5-2 line spacing. They must write an introductory paragraph, show the data table, and write a summary paragraph that extrapolates and describes at least 2 pieces of data shown in the table.

class dobs

Reflection: This graph shows 15 of my classmate’s birthdays. We used Microsoft Excel and Microsoft word for this graph. I think I tried my hardest in the assignment. I did make a few mistakes but I got those fixed. I also found out a lot of things doing this.

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