Project #2

Elevator Speech:

Description: We brainstormed ideas for our project #2. We then purposed them and later went into sooner detail. We also came up with our elevator speech.

elevator speech #2

Reflection: I think we did good on this part of the project. It took us a while to come up with an idea to do a project on but we finally figured one out. We chose paranormal activity. We wrote our ideas onto our elevator speech. That’s only what we’re planning on doing and we’ll write our script next.


Description: We put together all our ideas and wrote them down. We explained all of our ideas and we also decided to make it a 4 week project.

script # 2

Reflection: I think we did good on this assignment. We thought of a lot of different effects and camera angles for this video. We just had to write down so we can remember them. We might change a few things in the video as we make it but we’ll stick to the same plot. It also depends on how longs we have to make this since we’re starting a little late.


Description: We drew out our whole assignment in this project. We described the camera angles in it too.


Reflection: I think we did good on this project. It was pretty easy. We could’ve done better with the drawings but you can tell what’s happening. We just drew the events in out projects and posted it.


Checkpoint #1

So far we’ve gotten pretty far into this project. We’re having a little bit of trouble filming it though. We also got a new main character which is Brynn. We’re a little bit behind right now but we can catch up. We’re not going to do exactly what’s in our script because the end of the year is coming up. We might even change our project because ours is really complicated. But we aren’t thinking about that yet. That’s where we are now.

Rough Cut

Description: In this assignment we had to film our assignment and do our edits. We did any form of film including stop motion animations. Our assignment had to tell a story that made sense.

Reflection: We had a lot of problems making this especially since we had to start over because Bryn didn’t want to be the main character anymore. So I don’t thing we’re going to finish this assignment just because theres one more day of school. So we only got to the rough cut. Other than that I think we did ok. Have a great summer!


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