Group PSA – Racism

Elevator speech:

Description:  Narrative paragraph(s) describing the PSA, intent/message, audience, and sources of content. (10 poi

elevator speech group PSA

Reflection: I think me and my group did good on this assignment because we all worked together. We used microsoft word to make it and we used information from google. That’s what we did how we did it.




PSA Script & Images: Scene by scene set-up, and detailed description of content and flow. (20 points)

PSA Script

Reflection: I think I did good on the script. We all worked together on it. We got a few facts off the internet and we came up with the rest ourselves.


Rough Cut:

Description: Using iMovie, content is assembled and edited for presentation – streamed from Vimeo. (30 points)

Reflection: For this assignment we took shots of people getting bullied with racism. We used imovie to put together the rest. We used a camera to take the videos and we got facts off the internet to put in our PSA. I think we did good on this assignment because we worked together as a group.



Description: Students take peer evaluation feedback and create an edits list that will be applied to their Final Cut (10 points)


Reflection: I think this assignment was pretty easy so I think we did well. We just had to have people watch our video and write reviews. We had evaluation sheets and we had them write their thoughts on it and we wrote the suggestions onto an edits sheet.


Final Cut:

Description: Students post edited final video on ePortfolio PSA#1 page –  streamed from Vimeo (30 points)

Reflection: I think we did really good on this assignment. We worked as a group which was the point of this project. We first came up with a topic then we did a script. We put that plan into motion and we made a roughcut. We then got people to watch and applied their suggestions to our final cut. We made the video all by ourselves but we got the music from royalty free music. We also got facts off of google. This assignment was very fun and I’m excited about it. Enjoy!

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