Category: Poetry


The chinchilla barks Keeps me up all night She chews her hay house Why must she chew so loudly? It constantly wakes me up

At Sea

I live in a boat I’m wearing a coat The water against the boat splashes As I give the boy’s back three lashes Through his gag I hear the boy cry Struggling to get free, yelling “Why?” Crimson blood drips down his back At sea no one hears the whip crack

4th of July

Patriotism A man’s way to get his way Fireworks and all


Lust leaves lipstick marks on mirrors and hickies on your neck Gluttony feasts to fill the void but only fulfills his hunger Envy turns green when seeing others fulfill their dreams Greed lives in a golden tower and swallows your happiness whole Pride gets promoted and treats everyone below him as nothing Wrath runs over …

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