Please be on the look out for your child’s Monday Mailer each Monday. It will contain, permission slips, fliers about upcoming events, your child’s completed work and your child’s high frequency words (sight words or flashcard words), spelling words and perhaps a little practice book. Please sort through these papers and return the mailer ASAP.
I’ve read a ton on the topic of homework. Research has been unable to prove that homework improves academic performance at the elementary level. Our firsties are in a very structured setting and working HARD be it socially or academically all day long. Once school is out, it’s time for them to play, relax and be with their families! If students have that fun time and down time at home, they are more likely to be refreshed and ready to learn at school the next day. I also feel like this encourages positive parent/child relationships. Parents can chat with their children about their day, friends and what they learned rather than battle over homework.
Research does prove that 15 minutes of at home reading is one of the most important things you can do to promote your child’s growth in reading and help him/her develop his/her vocabulary. You can read to your child, s/he can read to you, s/he can practice flashcards, reading spelling words and the little books that I send home. If you do not have books available to you and/or your child bores of books in your family library, s/he can do an on-line reading program such as RAZ Kids or Tumblebooks.
There are excellent on-line options that you can find on my Kid Zone tab that will further support your child’s growth. These are FREE educational websites that you and your family may use. Be mindful of moderation when it comes to screen time. According to the American Pediatrics Association “Studies have shown that excessive media use can lead to attention problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders, and obesity. In addition, the Internet and cell phones can provide platforms for illicit and risky behaviors.”
If you ever have any questions, please just ask.