Week 16 Newsletter
Dear families,
I hope you had a wonderful and restful winter break! I noticed many students made good use of the on-line learning programs to keep their kiddo’s brains active during break. YAY! Great job!
December reading calendar is due tomorrow (or Thursday at the latest)! Due to the amount of time/effort it takes to record these, get pizza certificates, and spread out free books from children to choose from, I will not honor calendars that are turned in by Friday.
The following students need to turn in their green folders and/or Monday Mailers: Clarity, Donovan, Tyler, and Tori
Important papers coming home tomorrow:
January reading calendar (homework) with extra credit assignment on the flip side. Both due at end of the month.
Green HFW flashcards for your child to memorize by Friday
Little books for circle, triangle, rhombus and square reading groups. Please have your child practice them until they are fluent.
This week’s spelling list “Lesson 12: How leopard got his spots”. If child could use practice in spelling or handwriting, please have him or write spelling words they need to practice 2 or 3 times. If your child would like a challenge, you may put the words in alphabetical order, use a dictionary to look up and write definition the words’ definition or write sentences using the spelling words. Does not need to be sent back to school. Additionally there are lots of fun on-line activities, at https://www.spellingcity.com/view-spelling-list.html?listId=29397538 to reinforce spelling.
Family Math Game Night is coming up on Tuesday Jan 19 from 6:00-7:30. Free dinner will be available. Please RSVP by January 15 so we know how much food to provide. I will be there too!
Family Connection sheet has ideas for ways you to support what we’re learning in reading at home. Does not have to be returned.
School menu
What we’re learning this week:
MATH: use strategies to solve subtraction equations and word problems, more on money (kids should be able to identify all coins and tell their value so we can move into counting money), telling time to the nearest hour and half hour, using place value tools to show how our number system works (hundreds, tens, ones)
READING: /ch/ and /tch/ sound, sequencing events in a story, identifying homophones as we read a folktale and nonfiction story about jungle animals.
WRITING: Writing about our goals for the new year and about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Martin Luther King Junior
SCIENCE: Starting our weather unit
1/18: No school (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
1/19: Family Math Night 6-7:30 RSVP please
1/25: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade music performance 6:30 P.M.
1/29: No school (grading day)
Monday | Library check out |
Tuesday | Fluoride swish (Thanks Kim!), PE |
Wednesday | Spirit Day (wear purple/green/Holt clothes) early release |
Thursday | Music |
Friday | Music |
I’m looking forward to seeing my Fabulous Firsties tomorrow! Lots of fun stuff in store for us. 🙂
(541) 790-6126