Newsletter for Week of February 8
Dear families,
Welcome to our second semester of school! We now have PE Thursdays and Fridays. Please make sure that your child wears shoes and clothes that are good for being active. Library is still Monday. Our music classes are over.
Our Valentine’s Day Party will be Friday, February 12 from 12:15-1:00 (cards, game, craft) and snacks after PE from 1:30-2:00. Thanks to the parents who offered to help with treats, crafts and games for the students. We made our Valentine “mailbags” last week. Students are welcome to bring and deliver their cards anytime this week. It’s easier if they “dribble in” rather than all arrive on one day. 🙂
HOMEWORK: I’ll be sending home number cards for you and your child to play math games that encourage making tens and adding numbers quickly. No spelling test or HFW words to memorize. We are taking a week off our normal reading lessons to let the long vowels perculate and so we can do some reading related to our social studies and science themes. Please review those HFW flashcards and little paper books with your child, especially students in circle, triange and rhombus groups. Square and hexagon should focus on at-home reading of early chapter books or chapter books.
What we’re learning this week:
MATH: Building fact fluency (speed) by focusing on Friendly Numbers (numbers that add up to make ten. Participating in Number Talks where students use mental math strategies to solve number strings (7+5+3+5). President’s Day coin study.
READING and WRITING: Reviewing long vowels a, i, o, u, reader’s theatre and fluency building activities, researching and writing about Presidents, money, weather, Valentine’s Day and friendship.
2/8: Report cards and Holt International $1 drive and sock drive to begin. See flier.
2/12: Lunch with your Valentine. 1st grade lunch starts at 10:50. Give yourself extra time as the parking lot will be BUSY. Valentine’s Party
2/15: No school President’s Day
2/16-2/18: Ceramic’s class with Artist in Residence
2/18: SITE Council 5pm
2/19: Crazy Sock Day and Sock Hop
3/3: Dr. Seuss Day
3/21-3/25: Spring Break
Monday Library check out
Tuesday Fluoride swish
Wednesday Spirit Day (wear purple/green/Holt clothes) early release, Sign language class.
Thursday PE, YR after school art class,
Friday AM sub while Mrs. W is at math training, Valentine Luncheon 10:50, PE, Valentine’s Day Party