Newsletter for Week of January 25
Dear families,
Hope you are ready for some serious cuteness! Tomorrow night is the primary music performance. Students and music teacher Ms. Smith have been hard at work and have a great show planned for you. The show starts at 6:30. Please give yourself extra time to secure your parking spot and seat. Children will stay with parents until the music teacher calls them to the stage.
Please send an e-mail if would like to provide treats and/or help at our Valentine’s Day party. I haven’t heard from anyone yet. Last year I had a parents who led a Valentine Craft, game of Valentine Bingo and set up a yogurt parfait bar! I’m open to all healthy, fun ideas! Party will be Friday, February 12 from 12:15-1:00 (cards, game, craft) and snacks after PE from 1:30-2:00.
Memorize HFW flashcards by Thursday, study for spelling test L15. Circle, triangle, rhombus and square reading groups should practice their little books until fluent. Optional: IXL, Raz Kids, Spelling City, Family Connection sheet for reading. All students know how to log on and utilize these resources using the Holt Portaportal. 🙂
What we’re learning this week:
MATH: addition and subtraction word problems with missing addends and subtrahends, building fact fluency (speed), assessments
READING: reading words with long i sound with silent e (as in rice, twice) and suffix -er and -est (taller and tallest) as we read stories about animals. We will use our compare and contrast skills. The hexagon group started a new chapter book The Boxcar Children for their book club.
WRITING: Grammar, proofreading and scoring papers, writing a story about winter
SCIENCE: Observing and recording the weather, reading a thermometer
1/25: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade music performance 6:30 P.M. Parking lot will be BUSY! Plan ahead or you may park across Harlow Rd at North Park Church and walk over using the crosswalk
1/28: Western Themed Spirit Day
1/29: No school (grading day)
Monday | Library check out |
Tuesday | Fluoride swish, storyteller, PE |
Wednesday | Spirit Day (wear purple/green/Holt clothes) early release, Sign language class starts. |
Thursday | YR after school art class |
Friday | no school (grading day |