Week 17 Newsletter for week of January 19

Dear families,

For the safety of students and ease of school traffic flow, please do not park and leave your car anywhere other than the parking lot.  The right hand curb is for quick drop and pick up.  The left side is reserved for traffic flow.  Speed is 5 MPH.  Stop when there are pedestrians at the cross walk.  I will try to get students right out for pick up at 2:10 when traffic hopefully is lighter.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  For those of you that like to get a head start on Valentine’s cards, I am sending home a class list.  It’s great handwriting practice to make a card for each classmate and to sign name on cards.  Please make sure that students use capital letters correctly.  🙂

If you would like to provide treats and/or help at our Valentine’s Day party, please send me an e-mail.  Last year I had a great group of five parents who put together and led a Valentine Craft, a game of Valentine Bingo and set up a yogurt parfait bar!  Students topped their yogurt with fresh berries, granola and other fun but healthy foods.  I’m open to all healthy, fun ideas that the Valentine Party Committee comes up with!  We will celebrate the afternoon of Friday, February 12 from 12:15-1:00 (cards, game, craft) and snacks after PE from 1:30-2:00.

Important papers coming home : 

Progress Reports: this is the FIRST year I’m doing these at this grade level.  I’m still learning the “nuts and bolts” of the grade book program.  I have found that spelling scores have gone up, students/parents  are putting more effort into memorizing HFWs and families are more consistently filling out and turning their at home reading calendars. YAY!  My hope is to keep you in the loop.  If you ever have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know.  Students who go to speech, SMART or receive Title 1 reading/math support may have blanks on their progress reports because they were out of the room at the time of the assignment.  I try to avoid it but sometimes your child misses a writing, social studies or science assignment/assessment when s/he is out of the room for alternate services.  Those blanks will not be counted against your child.  If your child was absent, I will do my best to have him/her make up the assignment or assessment but this may not always be possible.

Class pictures (for those who ordered)

Green HFW flashcards to memorize by Friday

Little books for circle, triangle, rhombus and square reading groups to practice until fluent.

Spelling Homework for students who didn’t score 100% on pre-test.  “L14: The Big Race. Lots of fun on-line activities at Spelling City (no log-in needed if you use this link)  https://www.spellingcity.com/view-spelling-list.html?listId=29397538

Family Connection sheet for reading

BINGO night info flier. Super fun free family event!

What we’re learning this week:

MATH:  mixed operation word problems, distinguishing between odd and even, building fact fluency (speed) assessments

READING:  long a sound with silent e (as in name, Kate), learning about being a good citizen and drawing conclusions based on story clues and what you know.

WRITING:  Opinion writing based around “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” and “If You Give a Moose a Muffin” picture books.  Students will write a five sentence paper giving their opinion and evidence on whether a mouse or a moose would make a better house guest.

SCIENCE:  Weather


1/19:  Family Math Night 6-7:30

1/22: BINGO night 6:30-8

1/25: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade music performance 6:30 P.M.  Parking lot will be BUSY! Plan ahead or you may park across Harlow Rd at North Park Church and walk over using the crosswalk

1/28: Western Themed Spirit Day

1/29: No school (grading day)


Monday Library check out
Tuesday Fluoride swish, PE
Wednesday Spirit Day (wear purple/green/Holt clothes) early release, Sign language class starts.
Thursday Music, Winter Benchmark Testing: I have a sub so I can assess students one by one.
Friday Music, BINGO night 6:30 pm

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