Week 14 Newsletter
Dear Families,
I’m looking forward to another fun and exciting week of learning! Fantastic job with at-home reading and turning in those reading calendars! We had 19 out of 24 students turn theirs in! This month’s reading calendar is blue. It won’t be due until after winter break. We are going to be having weekly spelling words, tests and practice. Click here to access the site so your child can take tests, practice words and play games to reinforce spelling words. We are on LESSON 10: A Cupcake Party.
Please look out for important papers in this week’s Monday Mailer. Included are progress reports, this week’s flashcards, parent letter for reading, spelling words, completed work, handwriting workbooks and a copy of ALL the first grade words. Please test your child. If s/he doesn’t know those words, please really focus getting them memorized. Feed Hope flier with information about food drive and/or sign up request for food assistance. Kindly clear all those papers out and only return Feed Hope request.
If your child is going to be absent, please call the attendance line 790-6111. If you have a change in pick up routine, please call the office 790-6100.
What we’re learning this week:
MATH: clearly write and verbalize thought process for solving addition and word problems
READING: Short u sound and end blends (-mp, -nt, -nd, -st, -sk), discuss characters, setting, plot and dialogue.
WRITING: Rules for use of articles a, an and the. Proofreading for capitals, punctuation, spelling and grammar. Writing story about something we notice.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Be able to name 7 continents and 4 oceans and identify them on a globe and unlabeled map,
12/8: Latino Family Night from 6-7:30.
12/10: PAHs Board Meeting 6-8
12/16: Feed Hope food packing
12/17: SITE Council Meeting at 5 pm
12/19-1/5: Winter break
1/19: Family Math Night
1/25 or 1/26: Evening music performance
Monday | Library check out |
Tuesday | Fluoride swish (Thanks Kim!), PE and meeting with our 4th grade Buddies |
Wednesday | Spirit Day (wear purple/green/Holt clothes) early release |
Thursday | Music |
Friday | Global Winter Traditions Extravaganza |
Thanks for your support and cooperation,
(541) 790-6126