Tues. 1/21 “C” Day

Monday 1/20 was a holiday (MLK)

This week Ms. Owens will be guest teaching.

9th grade: Day one of The Samurai’s Garden essay. We reviewed essay structure, strong thesis statements, how to create interesting assertions and essay assignment sheet for this essay. We started on the outline during class.

HWK: None. Bring topic charts and book to class every day this week.

10th grade (10B): Today you performed your Sufi poem for the class. (15 points). We briefly discussed first impressions of the book – A Thousand Splendid Suns.

HWK: (1) “Background Info on Afghanistan” sheet. (2) Read Chs 6-9. Review Chs 1-5 (Quiz on Ch. 1 – 5 next class)



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