Tag: Opinion

  • Open letter to the 4j board of directors

    Open letter to the 4j board of directors

    By Mason Tyler Staff Writer   To Superintendent Gill and the 4J School Board: Over the past four years, our school district has faced more adversity than ever before. We have been through a pandemic, online school, changing educational standards, and more. While many of these challenges have been outside of anyone’s control, the truth…

  • Cupid isn’t stupid

    Cupid isn’t stupid

    Is Cupid stupid? North Eugene High School doesn’t think so. When February 14th rolls around, many say, “Again?!” and disregard it as a “Hallmark holiday” because they don’t know the history, while others use it as a chance to make homemade valentines and appreciate who they love, whether it’s a partner, friends, or family. A…

  • Holiday tree

    Holiday tree

    By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   This year, North Eugene High School has a new expression of holiday spirit in connection to our annual charity drive, Project Give. There is a large, 12-foot tree – not officially a Christmas tree, but a “Highlander Holiday Tree.” Members of the North Eugene community have varied reactions to the…

  • Happy holidays!

    Happy holidays!

    By Gavin Fish Staff Writer   Happy Holidays! This is a time of the year when many cultures and traditions are celebrated. It’s a time of joy, reminiscence, and celebration for people across the globe, and in the United States, it is a time when many people solely acknowledge Christmas. This brings up an idea…

  • Music: Distraction or tool?

    Music: Distraction or tool?

    By Madison Norwood Staff Writer   Music has always played a significant role in people’s lives. Nowadays, teenagers tend to immerse themselves in their worlds through their headphones. Multiple people can be looking at the same scene, but each may have a completely different perspective, depending on the song they are listening to. I often…

  • The benefit of social media breaks

    The benefit of social media breaks

    By Gavin Fish Staff Writer   At the beginning of the summer, I was in the worst mental space I had been in years. I didn’t necessarily know what to do with myself and I found myself falling deeper and deeper into self-pity. However, I found the problem to be my phone.  58% of American…

  • New Absence Policy Angers Students

    New Absence Policy Angers Students

    One of the many new policies this year limits the number of absences students can have. By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   I observed members of my senior class in an uproar two weeks ago after an announcement in a senior meeting during Advisory class stating Eugene 4J School District’s new attendance policy, which states, after…