Category: October 2023 Issue

  • Summer Recap: Three Albums You May Have Missed

    Summer Recap: Three Albums You May Have Missed

    By Tomas Parzuchowski Music Columnist   2023 has been an interesting year for music so far, with releases from notable artists such as Daniel Caesar, Laufey, Paramore, and Travis Scott. This past summer has been particularly fruitful for music, but summer releases are often overlooked due to busy schedules or long vacations. To make the…

  • North Eugene Students Are “All-In!”

    North Eugene Students Are “All-In!”

    Administration launches “All-In!” culture—but what does this mean? By Mason Tyler, Ariyanna Donovan Staff Writers   Are you All In? You may have heard this question being asked across the North Eugene High School campus this year, but what does it mean? The “All-In!” culture is more than just a catchphrase; it’s a commitment to…

  • Landmarks Around NEHS

    Landmarks Around NEHS

    By Ollie Adams, Gabby Sanchez Staff Writers   As we acclimate to our beautiful new school and settle in, we should put some thought into these new spaces. This new building comes with a lot of opportunities to use and enjoy our facilities, so let’s get comfortable with the lay of the land and give…

  • New Absence Policy Angers Students

    New Absence Policy Angers Students

    One of the many new policies this year limits the number of absences students can have. By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   I observed members of my senior class in an uproar two weeks ago after an announcement in a senior meeting during Advisory class stating Eugene 4J School District’s new attendance policy, which states, after…

  • Math October ’23

    Math October ’23

    By Ellora Keizer

  • No More Phones… Kind Of

    No More Phones… Kind Of

    Mr. Muñoz’s new phone policy brings differing views into light. By Sam Blake Staff Writer   This start of the school year has seen a whole slew of new changes. The new building, the new schedule, and perhaps the most controversial, the new cell phone policy. This new cell phone policy was first detailed in…

  • OG North Eugene Teachers vs. Some of the New Hires

    OG North Eugene Teachers vs. Some of the New Hires

    Let’s take a look at how the longtime and incoming teachers operate. By Yadira “Yadi” Maldonado, Abbie Blake, Gavin Fish Staff Writers   This school year has brought with it many new teachers to North Eugene High School. For old times’ sake, and to congratulate some of our new teachers, let’s take a closer look…

  • We’re Back!

    We’re Back!

    The Caledonian, North Eugene High School’s newspaper makes a sudden reappearance. By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   The high school publication known as The Caledonian hasn’t existed since around 2006 — the last time this paper was published. Although this newspaper has existed since almost the beginning of North Eugene High School itself, it disappeared for the…

  • Nain Muñoz Takes the Stage

    Nain Muñoz Takes the Stage

    Who really is North’s new principal? By Paige Eckley and LilyAnn Haight Managing Editor; Editor-in-Chief   After graduating from high school with a 1.77 GPA, becoming a principal wasn’t the first thing people expected from Nain Muñoz. Now, years later, his office is covered in his many degrees, pictures of his four children, and proof that he…