Category: December 2023 Issue

  • 10 Questions with Nate Sensei

    10 Questions with Nate Sensei

    By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   1) Why did you choose to work at North teaching Japanese? I wanted to teach Japanese because I was so influenced by my highschool Japanese teacher…I fell in love with it and felt like I really wanted to share it with other highschoolers and maybe inspire them in the same…

  • Holiday tree

    Holiday tree

    By LilyAnn Haight Editor-in-Chief   This year, North Eugene High School has a new expression of holiday spirit in connection to our annual charity drive, Project Give. There is a large, 12-foot tree – not officially a Christmas tree, but a “Highlander Holiday Tree.” Members of the North Eugene community have varied reactions to the…

  • Recognizing bias in media

    Recognizing bias in media

    By Kaitlyn Gray, Gavin Fish  Staff Writers   The Caledonian has wanted to run a story on the recent Israel-Gaza war in the Middle East. While researching information, it led down a path that sparked a lightbulb. What information is good information? How can we identify (differentiate?) biased news and unbiased news? And what impact…

  • Charities in and around North

    Charities in and around North

      By LilyAnn Haight, Lincoln Saul  Editor-in-Chief, Staff Writer   During the holiday season, many people are encouraged to donate to charities in their communities. Eugene residents share a passion for philanthropy, and have many organizations that they are able to support in the wintertime. One of the most well-known charities is Toys for Tots.…

  • Fun ways to bring about a snowy winter

    Fun ways to bring about a snowy winter

    By Yadi Maldonado, Abbie Blake Staff Writers   You wake up to flurries out your window. It snowed! The streets are filled with snowball fights, snow-people, and friends! The adults are pondering how snow suddenly entered the forecast. But, deep down you know your super-snow prep caused it. The best question to ask in the…

  • Shopping locally at the Holiday Market

    Shopping locally at the Holiday Market

      By Ollie Adams Staff Writer   It’s the season of giving, and a great way to give back to your community is by supporting small and local businesses. Eugene is packed with amazing vendors who are supported by their craft and rely on it as a main source of income. Throughout the year, there…

  • Happy holidays!

    Happy holidays!

    By Gavin Fish Staff Writer   Happy Holidays! This is a time of the year when many cultures and traditions are celebrated. It’s a time of joy, reminiscence, and celebration for people across the globe, and in the United States, it is a time when many people solely acknowledge Christmas. This brings up an idea…

  • Girls tackle wrestling

    Girls tackle wrestling

    By Lilia Carlson Staff Writer   Sports have always been a huge part of American society. Unfortunately, they’ve been primarily dominated by men. Baseball, football, soccer, basketball — you name it, there’s countless male teams for it. One of the sports teams at North Eugene in particular, has been mostly occupied by men in the…

  • A new sport for North?

    A new sport for North?

      By Sarah Speasl Guest Writer   Volleyball is currently one of the fastest growing sports in the US. Recently, professional teams have started popping up around the country. In the past, players wanting to play professionally often have had to move overseas to do so. This trend doesn’t just apply to professional volleyball, though.…

  • Generation jazz

    Generation jazz

        By Paige Eckley Managing Editor   When you think of jazz, the first thing you think of may be shiny trumpets, an atmospheric club, or an intense saxophone solo. The average person may not think of drums right off the bat. However, for Evan Furrow, jazz and drums are a quintessential pair. Born…