What’s Happening in B-6

Dear caregivers,


With two weeks left before Winter Break our days are busier than ever. We are studying Civil Rights and the struggle for Civil Rights in American history, we are drafting personal narratives, and we have begun developing more efficient multiplication strategies.

            Our discussions about civil rights began with examining the civil rights guaranteed by the constitution. Students persevered in tackling the challenging wording of the Bill of Rights and rewrote each part using their own words. Now we are gathering information about the struggle for civil rights in the 1950’s and 1960’s from many different sources. As we study these events, students may come home with questions and concerns about the events that happened and the continuing struggle we face for equal rights for all people regardless of skin color, language, and culture. I encourage you to have open conversations with your children about these issues. Talking about the fight for equality and justice in our country empowers students be upstanders for themselves and others.

Here are 4 resources for talking to your kids about diversity and discrimination:

http://archive.adl.org/what_to_tell/print.html : “What to tell your child about Prejudice and Discrimination” – The Anti-Discrimination League

http://bouncebackparenting.com/resources-for-talking-to-kids-about-race-and-racism/ Resources for talking to kids about racism –Bounceback Parenting

http://www.civilrights.org/publications/reports/talking_to_our_children/ “Talking to our children about racism and diversity- Civilrights.org

https://kidshelpline.com.au/parents/tips/celebrating-our-cultural-differences/ Developing cultural acceptance (An Australian website, but relevant to Americans)


Lastly, if you are curious or would like more information or access to organizations that support human and civil rights here’s a great list!

ACLU https://www.aclu.org/

NAACP http://www.naacp.org/ http://www.naacpldf.org/

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund http://www.maldef.org/

Civil Liberties Defense Center of Oregon https://cldc.org/


Be good to each other,


Ms. Kim


“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Booker T. Washington

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