This was my first real competition season. This year, you had to put these 1ft tall yellow cones onto raised poles and also put cubes on shelves. The game was “pick-and-place,” according to the strategy team, which meant that your robot couldn’t just shoot pieces. Our robot had a large extending arm and a belt-based grabbing mechanism on the end that we eventually put googly eyes on. Our robot was named “Chi” after Kai, our leaving software member who did the majority of the coding for this robot. At our first competition, we made it to semifinalists. At our second regional competition, we won, making this the first time our team had ever won an event. We then went to the district competition and competed with teams form Oregon and Washington, but were eliminated in the semifinals. After that, we were informed that we had qualified to go to the world championship. My parents didn’t let me go so I had to just stay at home. This season, I mainly just stayed on Media and did a little bit of Business work. Right after the season, however, I joined the Software subteam. This is a (not great) picture of Chi in our pit, presumably between matches. I think this was at the world championship, but I’m not sure.