Tech How-to Videos
4j Family Tech Resources (Start here if you need help)
Seesaw Family app: An introduction for parents & the family app
Seesaw Student app: How to get started for students & families
Create a link to a website on home screen of iPad
How to Navigate Journeys online student book
Seesaw – Check your journal for teacher comments and items to edit
Below are links Mme Shelli wants to keep…
Spelling Practice
Spelling City Spelling Practice
Roots, Prefixes, Suffix Games
Word Games (Don’t click on ads)
Language games and activities
Health Readings & Research
Use first How the Body Works: Kids Health,
Use Second: Ducksters Biology
After looking through all resources here, try SEARCH ENGINE FOR KIDS
Body Systems
National Geographic Kids Human body Science For Kids: Human Body
Teeth more about healthy teeth
Effects of DRUGS and ALCOHOL on the body
Effects of alcohol on human body, PBS kids Dangers of alcohol for kids
Effects of smoking on human body, PBS kids Dangers of smoking
Dangers of drugs for kids What kids should know about drug use
Friends & Peer Pressure to use drugs
Kids’ Health 1st Aid, British 1st Aid page
What’s in food Nutrients & what they do Nutrition for Kids
Organic Foods Parenting Magazine article Organic foods Time Magazine article
Food Allergies Food Allergies explained for kids
Cancer Chemotherapy treatment Cancer Video What is cancer?
Immune System Heart Disease Immune System
Human Body Games
Les parties du corps match game
Science Link- Put man together
Prongo Human Body Quiz
Body Parts Quiz (turn down the sound)
Les parties du corps match game
Biography searches
Bio. com search
Ducksters for kids has some biographies
You can search more information at this site, too.
Opinion Writing: Zoos Research
How Stuff Works : The Debate about zoos
How Stuff Works: Zoos can help
How Stuff Works Zoos can be harmful
Global animal- Zoos Good or Bad
Africa Geographic Zoos Good or Bad
Greek Myth Resources
Greek Myths for Kids More Greek Myths for Kids
Greek Myths National Geographic
French & English Review
4th graders should know the correct order & spelling in English & French.
English Months – Keep practicing these if you need to.
French Months – Everyone can use more practice on these.
French Days of the week – Everyone can use more practice on these. Here’s a slower link where you sing along while reading.
Game with French days of week.
A history of months & week names
Where do we get the names of our months?
Where do we get names of weeks? A longer explanation can be found here.
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[…] A small book and a web resources are available on my blog. Click here for link. […]
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