Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, April 24 – SCIENCE FAIR (La foire aux sciences)
Saturday, April 27 – Charlemagne Auction “Caribbean Getaway” 6-10 p.m. Ford Alumni Center (see below for tickets)
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. Four parent chaperones needed. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join us. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu.
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. It’s getting cold, too, so please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers (kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu) and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
Our class party was a ton of fun!
Le français:
We actually squeezed the French vocabulary quiz in on Thursday, prior to the party. Most students did very well. Remember that the quiz this week was exactly the same sentences from the homework, with no variations like I usually do. A wonderfully overwhelming 35 of the 50 (70%) students who took the quiz achieved a score of 95% or 100%, missing only one or no questions. Next French homework is next week.
We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day. We will get back to our latest “J’observe…” writing project also this week.
Students are beginning to finish the latest art project, so hopefully we can get them up in the stairwell soon. We’ll start reading groups back up for the next two to three weeks. A few more kids have finished the current art project, so I’ve started putting them up in the stairwell. This is our beginning:
Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I am expanding my vocabulary by incorporating new words into my speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
We are working on our francophone project nearly daily. There are 12 categories to work on, each category representing one side of a dodecahedron. They work on learning about their countries at the same time as they work on their dodecahedron. They will construct the dodecahedron at the very end, and then they will give a presentation on their country to the class. Also I am arranging a variety of visitors to come in and talk about the francophone country they grew up in. Hopefully, afterward, your students will be very knowledgeable about which 29+ countries have a living link to French. So far, we have Grace’s dad, Ben, who is from Mauritius, we have a 3rd & 5th grade students’ mom who is from Senegal, and we have a first grade mom from Burkina Faso. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Student goal: I can identify and name the world’s oceans and continents.
Student goal: I can identify the difference between a city, a country, and a continent.
Student goal: I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.
Student goal: I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.
Les copains/Buddies:
With buddies, blue class read about the solar eclipse with their buddies. The red class worked on a science experiment outside with bubbles and wind to show that air exists.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Solve problems with multiplicative comparison, choosing the right operation, multiplication or division to solve appropriately.
There is MATH REVIEW HOMEWORK this week.
Students took a “post-test” on multiplication facts on Thursday. Every student improved their scores and/or speed! Yay! Though timed tests are not a regular event in 4th grade, they can help determine which facts your child may need to practice. Please ask your child for their multiplication test which should come home on Monday.
We will wrap up our multiplicative reasoning unit this week with a quiz on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, we’ll start a new unit, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions & Mixed Numbers.
Key Concepts in this new unit are:
- Replacing a mixed number with an equivalent fraction and using the relationship between addition and subtraction can make it easier to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
- We can use visual models and equations to represent situational problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same whole and like denominators.
English & Social Studies
On Monday, we will wrap up our integrated reading, writing, and history unit about the expansion of the United States. Students will be writing a 4 paragraph opinion essay for the prompt:
In your opinion, what were the most significant impacts of the Corps of Discovery on the Oregon region and its people?
Students have been learning one way to organize a persuasive essay using the “OREEO” model:
Mme Hannah
On Tuesday, our student teacher, Mme Hannah, will begin our next unit on Greek Myths! For the next six weeks, she will moving into the lead teacher role in English and Math. Mme Shelli will continue to be in the class and to assist and to guide.
Charlemagne Auction:

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