Upcoming Dates
Monday-Monday, December 23- January 6 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Tuesday, January 7 – Students return to school!
Monday, January 20 – NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday, January 31 – NO SCHOOL, Grading Day
Monday, February 3 – NO SCHOOL, Transition Day
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Le français

Jana Kincaid, French and Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu
I hope everyone had a glorious break, and thank you so much for all the lovely gifts and notes. It’s encouraging to feel appreciated. I’m looking forward to seeing the kids’ smiling faces this coming week.
It is the last month 0f our first semester of school, so we’ll be finishing a few things up and reassessing your child’s French this month, so please let us know if your child is going to be aabsent at all. We continue with leveled reading groups once or twice a week. Charlotte will continue to read individually with some students four days a week. No French homework this week.
We are working on the “J’observe…” writing assignment with the photo at left entitled, “Je grimpe..” (I climb/I am climbing.) We are working on creating similes, and I was quite impressed with their abilities. We’ll move on to a new photo next week.
We will work on reviewing cursive for the first week. We have to get back into the habit. Also, we’re going to rewrite our signatures this month.
Student goal: I can find grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form most lowercase and many uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
The “Moi!” projects will come home this week. They represent a lot of work. No more class time can be given for this project, so your child may bring home his/her/their unfinished project to complete for credit. If your child does not bring the project home, perhaps you could query where your child is in the process.
Les sciences
We also completed our French dictionary of geography terms which is now part of the Oregon state project they did with Mme Shelli in English. We also did three fun and messy erosion (l’érosion) and deposition (le dépôt) experiments, and we’ll work on one more visual for our journals that helps clarify the difference between weathering, erosion and deposition. It also compares quick environmental changes, like a mudslide, versus slow changes, like erosion. Next week, we’ll set a date for students to bring in rock collections!!
Student goal: I can use landforms terminology in both languages.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
YES Homework this week. Students will bring home their last unit workbook and quiz for you to see. Please sign the parent page and return. You may keep the quiz & book.
This week we start Illustrative Math Unit 3: Extending Operations to Fractions.
In this 4-5 week unit, students will learn to multiply fractions by whole numbers, to add and subtract fractions with like denominators, and to add and subtract tenths and hundredths. This week we’ll discuss the meaning of multiplying whole numbers by fractions. Students will model the concept in various ways: on number lines, with fraction pieces and in equation form.
Looking for extra math at home? Student took home CLEVER badges to log in to the Clever apps from home. Dreambox and Math 99 are two math apps in CLEVER that your child can use to practice math. See the district page for more explicit instructions about using Dreambox at home.
Social Studies
HOMEWORK: Please set aside 10 minutes one evening this week to allow your child to read their Oregon Geography booklet to you. This small booklet is their final product from a four week Social Studies unit in December that focused on Oregon’s geography, geology, and first people. Please sign the parent page and return. The booklet may be kept at home.
NEW English unit begins Wednesday: EXTREME SETTINGS
In this unit, students will read a variety of texts that feature extreme settings. To prepare for our novel study later in the unit, we begin by reading poems by Robert Frost and a short story, All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury, as we analyze elements of fiction: characters, settings, plot development, and theme.
Find out more about 4j’s 4th Grade English Curriculum. This fact sheet for parents also includes a full list of the texts we’ll read as well as additional texts that can be read at home to extend your child’s learning.
OBOB practice
continues on Wednesdays during lunch and recess. Battles will begin soon. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Mme Ginger, the teacher coordinator for OBOB at topize_g@4j.lane.edu

Healthy and Nut Free Snacks
PE & Recess
At recess, students will be outside even in drizzle. So please have your child wear layers and a jacket or hat during rainy, cool weather. Also, students need secure and sturdy shoes on PE Days:
Blue Class PE & Library days: Monday & Thursday Red Class PE & Library days: Tuesday & FridayDecember 9-13, 2024
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