Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 20 – All–school Pajama Day!
Monday-Monday, December 23- January 6 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break (Students return on Tuesday, January 7, 2025!)
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Le français

Jana Kincaid, French and Science kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu
We continue with leveled reading groups once or twice a week. Charlotte continues reading individually with students who need a little extra support four days a week, and those students are really making strides. We continue our cursive writing instruction, conquering uppercase letters since we have completed lowercase letters. We will conjugate manger (to eat) and nager (to swim) this week.
We began a new “J’observe…” writing assignment on Wednesday with the photo at left entitled, “Je grimpe..” (I climb/I am climbing.) We worked on creating similes, and I was quite impressed with their abilities.
We are on the letters H & K now. Their cursive is looking pretty beautiful. Everyone is improving.
Student goal: I can find grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can read and decode in French.
Student goal: I can form some uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
We will complete the “Moi!” project this coming week, with the last opportunity to finish the project up. Many students are very close. The projects will come home just after winter break.
Les sciences
This past week, we continue creating a French dictionary of geography terms to accompany the Oregon project they are doing with Mme Shelli in English. This coincides well with our landforms unit, so we use some of our science time for this. This past week, we began discussing erosion and deposition and did a very messy experiment with blue class, which red class will do on Monday. We will try an erosion experiment several times with two different variables, slope and volume.
Student goal: I can use some land forms terminology in both languages.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
No Homework this week
We are in the final section of Illustrative Math Unit 2: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison. Students will take the Unit 2 quiz on Thursday.
Students should be able to now draw reasonably accurate models of fractions on number lines and bar models. They should be able to find equivalent fractions on both types of models and by using multiplication or division (shown below).
This week’s goals are:
- Determine whether a fraction is greater than, less than, or equivalent to another fraction and express the comparison using >, <, or =.
- Use a benchmark of 1/2 or 1 whole to compare fractions.
- Explain strategies for solving fraction comparison problems.
- Compare fractions by writing equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
Looking for extra math at home? Student took home CLEVER badges to log in to the Clever apps from home. Dreambox and Math 99 are two math apps in CLEVER that your child can use to practice math. See the district page for more explicit instructions about using Dreambox at home.
English & Social Studies
Last week, students used atlases and a short article to research one of Oregon’s regions. Then, with a small group they presented their findings to the class. This week students will finish a written and illustrated Oregon region visitors booklet. All of the maps and art projects from this unit will be put together in a book to share with you later.
Link to photos of the Blue Class field trip. 12/6
Link to photos of the RED Class field trip 12/13.
Looking for ways to extend your family’s understanding of Oregon history? Here are some great family field trips: The Lane County Historical Museum, Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Fort Vancouver, Fort Clatsop (Astoria), Crater Lake, High Desert Museum (Bend), Champoeg State Park (North of Salem), Fort Umpqua (Drain), Oregon Historical Society in Portland.
OBOB practice
continues on Wednesdays during lunch and recess. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Mme Ginger, the teacher coordinator for OBOB at topize_g@4j.lane.edu
Hosting Interns
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We have 2 AMAZING interns from France working at our school. We are asking families to think about hosting one of them for the next term: January(ish)-March (ish).
Tom is a 21-year old young man who is very enthusiastic, an extravert and a sports/outdoor LOVER. He is currently the host brother of a 2nd grader.
Charlotte is a 22-year old young woman who is calm and an art lover. She is currently with a 3rd grader.
The requirements to host are:
- Transporting the intern to and from school,
- Offering her/his own room, and
- Offering 3 meals a day.
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community, so tell friends, neighbors, family members! If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Charlemagne parent) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup!

Healthy and Nut Free Snacks
PE & Recess
At recess, students will be outside even in drizzle. So please have your child wear layers and a jacket or hat during rainy, cool weather. Also, students need secure and sturdy shoes on PE Days:
Blue Class PE & Library days: Monday & Thursday Red Class PE & Library days: Tuesday & FridayDecember 9-13, 2024
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