Upcoming Dates
Monday, November 18 – Picture retakes!
Monday, November 25 – NO SCHOOL, Parent Teacher Conferences 8 am-8 pm & Book Fair (see Festival du Livre details below)
Tuesday, November 26 – NO SCHOOL, Parent Teacher Conferences 8 am-12 pm & Book Fair
Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29 – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Friday December 6 & December 13 – Field trips to the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History (See Below in English for more information.)
Monday-Monday, December 23- January 6 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break (Students return on Tuesday, January 7, 2025!)
Behavior Note
Please read the note from Mme Poppy about school wide behavior challenges (LINK). In 4th grade, we are seeing a number of behaviors that are causing disruptions to student learning in class. Along with Mme Rachel, the school counselor, we are working on empathy, consideration of others, thinking before speaking or acting, and generally being kind, grateful, and inclusive. We really need your support at home for this to improve. There are a handful of students in each class whose behavior is impacting the whole day for all of us.
Parent Conference Sign-up
Parent-Teacher Conferences are the week of Thanksgiving on Monday and Tuesday, November 25 and 26. Please sign up for one parent teacher conference at these links:
Blue Class Link Red Class Link
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Le français

Jana Kincaid French & Sciences kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu
No French homework until after Thanksgiving break. We will do the quiz on Monday for the sound [e] that we have been studying all year, really. It is an important sound in French that can be made by the letters é, -ée, -ez, -er, or -es. It sounds approximately like the “ay” letters in “say” or “way.” It is similar to, but different from the sound [ɛ] which is formed by è, -ed, -et, or ai. The sound [ɛ] is like the “e” in the word “bed” or “bet.” We will study [ɛ] in particular next week.
Student goal: I can identify the sound [e] in a word and begin to understand the different ways the sound can be written.
We continue with leveled reading groups once or twice a week. Charlotte is reading individually with students who need a little extra support four days a week. We continue our cursive writing instruction, and have completed lowercase letters. We begin capital letters this week! That also means we’ll begin working on signatures in earnest. This week, we’ll learn how to conjugate the verbs mettre (to put or place) and prendre (to take).
Student goal: I can find grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can read and decode in French.
Student goal: I can form all the lowercase letters correctly in cursive.

Une tornade de poissons
We did not work on our “J’observe…” writing activity this week so that we could finish up some science before my absence on Thursday and Friday. We have moved on to our new photo. It is called, “Une tornade de poissons,” a tornado of fish. Students always like looking at this photo, and we’ll work a little bit on some imagery as well. We’ll try to finish it up this Wednesday.
We continue the “Moi!” project, and a number of students have completed the project! If you are in the building, they are displayed in the 4/5 stairwell & will still be up during Parent/Teacher conferences.
Student goal: With support, I can write a four sentence paragraph about a photo.
Les sciences
This past week, we saw the results of chemical weathering via vinegar on four different kinds of rocks. We examined the stones this week after they had a nice sit in the vinegar and (almost) all the vinegar had evaporated. As you can see, crystals (les critaux) formed on those rocks that had chemical reactions with the vinegar, particularly the limestone (le calcaire) and the marble (le marble) because those rocks contain calcite (la calcite). The crystals are the new product formed by those rocks containing calcite. We looked at how headstones are often pitted because they are made of marble, and so the calcite in them reacts with the acid rain ….which is caused by pollution….which is caused by humans.
Next, we’ll begin discussing erosion and landforms. We’ll label some landforms, then do experiments to show how they are formed.
Student goal: I can discern between physical and chemical weathering and how they may occur.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math this week
Homework this week is review of fractions.
We will start our first unit on fractions in the new curriculum we are piloting, Imagine Math – Illustrative Mathematics on Monday, November 18th.
Here’s IM’s family support video explaining major aspects of this unit.
This week we will:
- Review what a fraction is and key vocabulary of fractions
- Use fraction strips, tape diagrams, and number lines to represent fractions
- Make sense of fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12

Field Trip
Our classes are going on a field trip on December 6th OR 13th to the University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History. We’ll be participating in the program called Oregon Archaeology Detectives: Students will put on their detective hats and uncover clues about Oregon’s past. They will learn about the Tribes that have lived here since time immemorial. They will also have some time to explore the exhibits in the museum. This has some great connections to our study of Oregon geography and history this year.
Due to the capacity of the museum, we have to take each class separately. Students will eat lunch at school, so no special lunch is needed for the day.
Please complete and sign both sides of the field trip permission slips that come home on Monday. Return permission slips to Mme Shelli by Friday, November 22, 2024.
We have enough chaperones at this time. Thank you to all of you who have offered.
Friday December 6
Blue Class Field trip to Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Bus load at 9:35, Arrive back to school at 11:50.
Friday December 13
Red Class Field trip to Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Bus load at 9:35. Arrive back to school at 11:50.
OBOB practice began Wednesday November 6 during lunch and recess. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Mme. Ginger, the teacher coordinator for OBOB at topize_g@4j.lane.edu
Students may order a special OBOB sack lunch to eat during OBOB meetings or they may bring a lunch from home.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) with Mme Rachel
Our school counselor, Mme Rachel, meets with our fourth graders each week. Here’s what they’ve been discussing:
This week students participated in a How to draw Ruby Bridges art lesson as they talked about her bravery during the challenging time of the integration of public schools. Students were able to draw and color their poster for the optional Ruby Bridges Walk to School Event.
Hosting Interns
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We have 2 AMAZING interns from France working at our school. We are asking families to think about hosting one of them for the next term: January(ish)-March (ish).
Tom is a 21-year old young man who is very enthusiastic, an extravert and a sports/outdoor LOVER. He is currently the host brother of a 2nd grader.
Charlotte is a 22-year old young woman who is calm and an art lover. She is currently with a 3rd grader.
The requirements to host are:
– Transporting the intern to and from school,
– Offering her/his own room,
– Offering 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community, so tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Charlemagne parent) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup!

Healthy and Nut Free Snacks
PE & Recess
At recess, students will be outside even in drizzle. So please have your child wear layers and a jacket or hat during rainy, cool weather. Also, students need secure and sturdy shoes on PE Days:
Blue Class PE & Library days: Monday & Thursday Red Class PE & Library days: Tuesday & Friday
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